#just pulled it out of your asses and went with it I guess
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writingunderneathawillow · 2 days ago
tight spaces (bucky barnes x fem!reader)
Content warnings: fluff, a pinch of angst, bucky gets anxious because of tight spaces, suggestive, bucky gets a boner hehehe, lowkey manhandling I guess, also accidentally inspired by teen wolf Wordcount: 930
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The door of the supply room fell shut, sending you tumbling towards Bucky.
You had meant to keep it open, your foot propped against it while Bucky searched for the gun cleaning supplies. But it had rested heavily on you, leaving you straining and telling Bucky to get a move on.
Supply room was a generous term. It was basically a small closet made out of metal, barely big enough to accommodate one person, definitely not two.
You were pressed against Bucky’s chest after your stumble, feeling his hands at your waist to stabilise you.
“Sorry,” you muttered as you tried to get yourself in a more upright position.
“It’s fine,” he mumbled and let go of your sides. The warmth of his skin, that had seeped through your shirt, was gone so quickly, it felt as if the room’s temperature had dropped.
You went to reach for the door, stemming your weight against it as you pressed down on the door handle, but it didn’t move an inch.
At the same time, you were equally aware of Bucky’s gaze on you and the proximity of his lap and your ass. You tried pushing yourself more at the door, but it didn’t give in and didn’t allow for any more space between the two of you, either.
“Buck? We have a problem,” you said and twisted as much as possible to look at him. “The door won’t open.”
His eyebrows knitted together as his gaze flicked between you and the door.
“Can’t be, you just gotta try again,” he instructed and nodded encouragingly.
You sighed and repeatedly tried to force the door open, but it didn’t budge.
“I think it’s shut,” You replied, teeth gritted as you pushed again.
“Let me,” he said and tried to move past you. It didn’t seem intentional to you but the way he grabbed your shoulders, gently attempting to force himself towards the door by moving you out of the way, made your stomach flutter.
However, he wasn’t successful, stuck between you and the door with no way of positioning himself closer the exit.
He sighed and apologised as he simply reached over you, accidentally pushing you into his chest while his large hands fumbled with the door.
In the dim lighting you could still make it out the way his biceps flexed under his shirt and with the way you were sandwiched between him and the door, you could take in his scent effortlessly, practically drowning you in leather and a hint of citrus.
You tried to hold your breath, embarrassed by how lightheaded you became as his smell encircled you.
With a soft groan Bucky took a tiny step back, as much as the room allowed.
“God, we’re really stuck,” he murmured, and all your giddiness disappeared as you picked up on the trace of anxiety on his words.
Bucky and closed spaces did not go well together, especially ones made out of metal. Being entombed in a cold, tight room was sending shivers down his spine, and he was barely able to conceal them. You heard how his breath quickened and saw his eyes darting in between the walls of the room, searching for a way out.
“It’s okay,” you whispered; your hands rested on his forearms and you began to softly stroke up and downwards. “The others are gonna realise soon that we’re in here, we’re okay.”
His eyes met yours, the blue nearly hidden with his enlarged pupils. He nodded slowly, his gaze fixated on you as you continued your soothing motions.
“We’re okay,” he repeated as he watched you, almost entranced by your voice. After a few seconds his eyes began to wander again but instead of taking in his surroundings, they lingered on you.
The soft curve of your mouth, the gradual slope of your nose and the gentleness of your eyes captivated him, pulling him out of his state of panic.
“You have a scar there,” he mumbled, nodding towards your eyebrow. “I’ve never noticed it before.”
The words had stumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
Only when he shifted slightly, he seemed to realise where you were. How you were glued to him, skin on skin with no room between the two of you.
All the blood that had pounded in his ears and head just seconds ago now rushed south.
You became aware of your situation again as well and desperately tried to find a place in the supply room that wasn’t taken up by him.
“Doll, you gotta-,” he groaned softly as he tried to adjust himself and get a little distance between both of you.
“You gotta turn around or something ‘cause, uh-“ he searched for words that wouldn’t make it so awkward but none came.
Your eyebrows scrunched up, confused by this, and tried to twist your body to face towards the door but then you felt it.
Warmth radiated from his lap along with an unmistakable hard sensation, straining against his pants right against you.
“Oh, uh, I’m sorry,” you stuttered, trying even harder to increase the proximity between the two of you.
He muttered something unintelligible and then said: “No, don’t be. I’m the one who’s sorry, sweetheart.”
A soft hiss escaped his mouth when you finally had managed to turn around, now facing the door with warmed cheeks.
A few seconds passed, your backside now pressed into him, until he broke the silence.
“Doll?” “Yeah?” “This is worse.”
You chuckled, pressing your hand against your lips and you could hear his faint laughter.
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wbbpls · 9 hours ago
Platonic Plus One
Chapter 11
Word count: 4300 another day of them hopelessly falling in love and being dumb about it. Only 2 more days before the wedding day...will they figure it out?
After getting massages, Azzi met up with the wedding party to finish planning the party tomorrow night. Then, the girls spent the rest of the day by the pool. The wedding is in three days, so they’re enjoying the calm while they can before going back to school. Azzi was floating on an inflatable, quietly enjoying herself—almost too quietly. As soon as Azzi started considering why it was quiet and where Paige might be, she was suddenly flipped over into the water. 
When she came back for air, she immediately recognized Paige’s laugh mixed with her brother's. 
“What the hell?!”
“Sorry, baby, we just had to. You looked too peaceful.”
“It was Paige’s idea!” Jon and Jose say in unison. 
“What?! Bro, it was deadass not my idea.” 
“Really, Paige?” Azzi gave her a stern look, trying not to crack a smile. 
“No, no, it was Tim’s idea! I swear on my knee.” Jose and Jon can’t stop laughing, and they can hear Tim cackling in the background. 
“It doesn’t matter who’s idea it was. You still did it. Plus, you got me all wet.” Azzi crosses her arms.
As soon as Paige smirked, Azzi realized the words had left her mouth. “Oh yeah, did I?”
Azzi starts blushing profusely. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“You sure bout that, mama?” Paige puts her hands on Azzi’s waist, pulling her in. 
“Ew, dude, that’s my sister.” Jose splashes water at Paige, getting Azzi even more wet. 
“Okay, that’s it! I’m done here.” 
“Ugh, see what you did?” Paige splashes him back. 
“Nah, just go be your simp self, and she’ll be fine.” Paige rolled her eyes and went to the edge of the pool, watching Azzi walk and sit down on the lounge chair. 
“P, stop staring.” Paige put her head down on the palm of her hands, smiling back at Azzi. 
“Nah, I’m good.”
Azzi couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the flirting and attention she’d been receiving from Paige since their massage. “Alright, Paige, c’mon. Come join me.”
“Gladly, pretty girl.” Paige pushes off the side of the pull, showing off the muscles in her arm, then the tightening of her abs. Azzi couldn't look away even if she tried. As Paige stands up, she notices Azzi looking down her body and smirks. 
“Enjoying the view?”
“W-what, no! Ugh you’re so cocky.” 
“Mhm, sure.” 
Paige grabs a towel, half-dries off, and sits next to Azzi. 
“Paige, you’re getting me all wet again. And don’t be a smart ass.” Azzi throws another towel at her while Paige bends over laughing. 
When she catches her breath, she shrugs and says, “Hey, I guess I just have that effect on you.”
“Not another word, Bueckers.”
“Alright, alright.” 
Azzi picked up her book to continue reading. She got through one whole page before Paige started bothering her again. 
“Hey, Azzzzziiiiiii.”
“Yes, Paige?”
“Wanna do somethin’ fun tonight?”
“Hm, like what?”
“I don’t know. Maybe there’s an arcade or somethin’ nearby. I have felt lost without competition these past few days. I could really use beating you at something.”
“Okat first, rude. But also, that sounds fun, so fine.”
“Aye, that’s wassup.” Paige excitedly stands to gather their stuff and, sadly for Azzi, puts her clothes back on. 
“Yo, Jose and Jon! We goin’ to an arcade tonight. Wanna come so I can beat your asses?”
Azzi mutters under her breath, “Oh god, what did I just sign up for?”
“Nah, baby, it’s gonna be fun. Wanna invite some of the wedding party and make it a thing?”
“Sure, Paigey, I’ll text Jake, and he’ll probably get everything together,” Azzi replies softly, enjoying the term of endearment. 
The girls, Azzi’s brothers, Jake and his girlfriend, and a few other people from the wedding party joined them at a local arcade. This isn’t typically Azzi’s scene, but Paige turns into a happy little kid at arcades, and who is she to deprive her of that?
“Oh, shit they got laser tag!” 
“I call dibs on shooting Paige and Azzi!” 
“Damn Jon, you were a lil too ready go there,” Paige says as she fills out her waiver. 
They all start to put on the vests as they listen to the instructions. Paige leaned over to whisper in Azzi’s ear, “Don’t worry, Princess, I’ll protect you.” 
It’s like Paige has been determined to get Azzi to blush this entire day, and each time Azzi gets flustered, it gives her more and more confidence. Might be time to humble her a little bit.
“Oh yeah? You gonna be my night in shining armour?” 
“As long as you’re my princess.” Okay, yeah, Paige won that one. 
The teams split up, starting on the respective sides of the room. Once the buzzer sounds, telling them to go, Paige screams at the top of her lungs “LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOO!”
It's moments like these that Azzi finds herself falling for Paige. Moments like this tell her that Paige isn’t just a best friend. Paige is sprinting, jumping, and rolling as she dodges and shoots everyone. Azzi will never tell her, but she’s surprisingly good at this. Azzi got both of her brothers out twice, so now they were on the hunt for her. They started to sneak up on Azzi, and then suddenly Paige dove in front of her, shooting both of her brothers and getting shot herself. Azzi runs to kneel down next to Paige.
“Paige! Are you okay? I can’t believe you just dove like that to stop them from shooting me. You could have gotten hurt!” 
“Anything for my princess.” 
Their eyes are locked in as everything around them fades away. Paige’s eyes dropped down to Azzi’s lips. “Do I get that true love’s kiss for saving you?”
“I think that can be arranged.”
Azzi closes the gap, softly kissing her. Paige moves her hand to go behind Azzi’s neck. Before either girl could deepen the kiss, their vests light up red, and they hear a loud beep. When they break apart, Jon and Jose are standing over them with evil smiles. 
“That’s what you get for bein’ a simp!” 
“That’s it. Y’all better run.” Paige books it towards them, and Azzi adds this moment to her list of reasons why it's so easy to be in love with Paige. Azzi froze, realizing the thought she had. She just admitted to herself that she’s in love with her best friend. And for the first time, that didn’t scare her. 
The lights turn back on, signaling the end of their game. Their team won by a landslide, thanks to Paige, giving her an ego boost no one needed. They all split up, playing games until Jose comes up to them.
“Guys, there’s basketball! Bet I can beat you both.”
Azzi laughs, “That’s actually comical. Let’s go beat these idiots.” The girls high-five and make their way over. 
Jose pushed Jon out of the way, “I call takin' down Paige. You can deal with Azzi.” 
“Bro, you know that’s not even equal.”
“I’m literally right here.” 
Azzi couldn't help but laugh at their banter and rub Paige’s back. Azzi grabs Paige’s chin, turning her head to kiss her. “You got this, baby.”
Now flustered, Paige scans her player card to start the game with a dopey smile on her face. She’s still smiling at Azzi and doesn’t even notice the timer started. 
“Distracted over there, Bueckers?” Jon laughs at her.
“Oh shit.” Paige focuses in and starts draining shots, catching up to Jose. In the last second, Paige lost by one point. 
“What, no?! You cheated.”
“How did I cheat?”
“I was distracted when we started.”
“It’s not my fault you’re whipped for my sister.”
“Nah, rematch. Right now.” 
“Whatever, fine. Azzi, maybe you should leave so she can actually shoot.”
 “My girl ain’t no problem,” Paige winks as she wraps her arm around Azzi’s waist. “How about another kiss for good luck?”
Although caught off guard momentarily, Azzi got excited by the idea. “I don’t know...that last one wasn’t too helpful.” 
Fair point. Azzi leans in to close the gap. As Paige went to move, thinking it would just be a peck, she grabbed her face and pulled her in for a longer kiss. 
“Now that’s lucky.”
“Can you guys stop making out so we can play, jeez.” Paige kisses Azzi’s temple and moves to scan her player card again. They both zone in, and without any distractions, Paige beats Jose by a landslide. When the buzzer goes off, Paige jumps up and down and then runs over to Azzi, picking her up and spinning her around. Giggles take over as Paige trash-talks Jose and leans against the table behind them after she puts Azzi down. 
“Okay, okay, Azzi, you’re up. Get ready to lose.” Jon says as he trades places with Jose. Paige leans against the table behind them after she puts Azzi down. 
“Real confident for someone who misses every other shot.” Azzi starts to walk over but then feels hands wrap around her wrist, pulling her in. She spun into Paige, settling between her legs. 
“Kiss for good luck, mama?”
Azzi beams and kisses Paige again. If you could even call it that, considering she can’t stop smiling. She pulls back and kisses Paige on the tip of her nose. “Thanks, cutie.”
Paige couldn't take her eyes off Azzi, mesmerized by her smile and confidence. She didn’t miss a single shot, and each one was all net. 
Standing next to Paige, Jose is smiling in disbelief. “Damn, that was—”
“Hot.” Something about hearing Paige so openly call her hot made her mouth go dry. 
“Dude, that’s still my sister.” 
Without taking her eyes off of Azzi, Paige responds, “The truth is the truth, Jose.”
“Okay, we can’t do this anymore. You guys are gross.” 
After a few more games, the group makes their way back to the property. Most of Azzi’s family is chatting in the lobby and drinking wine. The girls each pour a glass and join in. Azzi sits next to Katie, and Paige joins Tim on the other side of the room. 
“Hey, sweetie. How was the arcade?”
“Really good. We beat the hell out of Jon and Jose.”
“Real shocker there.” 
“Hey, Mom, can I, uh, talk to you about something?”
“Sure, wanna go for a walk?” 
“Yeah, that would be good.” 
Kaite and Azzi stood with wine glasses while walking around the large lobby. On their way out, Paige caught Azzi’s eye, offering her a smile as if to say, “I’m here.” 
“I really need to tell you something, and I don’t know how to, so now I’m just so confused.”
“Just say what you need to say, Azzi.”
“I’m in love with Paige.” 
“Okay...? I’m sorry, but what’s the problem here?”
“Paige and I aren’t actually together.” Katie looked at Azzi as if she had two heads. Azzi started babbling off an explanation as fast as she could, “I know, I know, I can explain. I just was so tired of the whole family constantly hounding me about my dating life and everything thought we were dating anyway so I went along with it, and now we’ve been pretending to be together all week, and nothing about it feels fake, and I don’t know what to do.” Azzi lets out a deep breath once she finishes explaining everything. 
“Wow, alright. That’s a lot to take in.”
“I’m really sorry for lying to you, Mom.”
“It’s okay, Az. Our family, especially your aunt, can be annoying, so I can’t even blame you. Look, I get all of this can be confusing, but honestly, I’ve been waiting years for you guys to finally get your act together and admit to being in love with each other.”
“Wait, really?”
Katie laughs at Azzi’s shock. “You guys have always just clicked. There’s something special there, so of course, once you guys cross that line, it opens up even more feelings.” 
“What if she doesn’t feel the same way and I ruin everything?”
“Azzi, I love you, but if you really think that girl isn’t head over heels for you, then you’re not as smart as I thought you were.”
“Gee, thanks, Mom.”
“You never noticed that any girl Paige started to date got jealous of the two of you, and the second they weren’t nice to you, she dumped them?”
“Okay, well, they objectively sucked.” 
“Fine, what about how many flowers and little gifts she buys you?”
“She’s a giver. She gives to everyone.” 
“Where are my flowers then?” 
“Ugh, if she really wanted this, she would have said so. She’s so much more experienced with this stuff than I am and always so confident. She would have made a move by now.” 
“Azzi, you and I both know that’s not true. You’re just using it to validate insecurities.” 
“Well, you don’t hold back, do you?”
“You’re everything to her, Azzi. What if she’s scared of ruining everything, too? You’re her constant. You’re what keeps her safe. You’re one of the only people she lets see her, really see her. Sure, Paige is all confidence, but how much of that is protection?”
“I guess I never thought of it that way. I know I’ve always seen her differently and Caroline has been on my ass about it since forever, but like, everyone saw this but us?”
“Dumb and in love, I guess.” Katie smiled at her daughter and pulled her in for a hug. 
“Thanks, Mom.”
“Of course, kiddo. Let’s get back to that crazy blonde. She’s probably hit her limit on time away from you.”
When they returned to the main area, Tim and Paige sang loudly as they poured another glass. 
“How long were we gone, and how many drinks have they had?”
Azzi giggles and walks up to Paige. “Hi, drunkie.”
“Hey, babygrl, I missed you.” Paige kissed the side of her head and pulled her onto her lap. 
“We’ve been together all day, P.”
“Okay, and? You didn’t miss me?” She says with a pout. Azzi’s heart melts, and she brushes her hair out of Paige’s face. 
“Yeah, I missed you.” 
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” 
“Me too, P.” Azzi traces her fingers down Paige’s arm and plays with the hair at the nape of Paige’s neck. The feeling of Azzi all over her sends Paige deep into the clouds. Maybe it wouldn’t be like this next week, but she would take advantage of it while she could. 
“Mm, that feels good, Az.” Seeing Paige’s eyes flutter closed as she relaxed into her made Azzi think about what her mom had said. They’ve always been each other’s safe space. Why should this be any different? Azzi leans in to kiss Paige. She very quickly kisses Azzi back. They’re still aware that Azzi’s whole family is around them, so they break apart and lean their foreheads on each other. 
“You’re really good at that.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, P.”
“Yeah, but I think I’m gonna need some more practice.” 
“Oh, yeah? That could be arranged.”
“It’s a date.”
“A date, huh?”
“How about dinner tomorrow night?”
“The dinner provided by my cousin?”
“Hey, it’s food.” Azzi rolled her eyes and went to stand up, teasing Paige, but she was quick to pull her back down. 
“Wait, I promise to buy you a legit dinner, just us, after the wedding, okay?”
“After the wedding?”
“Yeah, Az, after.”
“I’d like that.” The girls smile at each other and then return to the conversations around them. Once Paige finished her fourth glass of wine, Azzi stood up, grabbed Paige’s wine glass, and pulled her by her hand. “Alright, I think that’s enough for you. Goodnight, everyone!”
“Hey, I was drinking that!”
Azzi ignored her and kept pulling her towards the elevator. Once she pressed the button, Paige wrapped around her from behind and whispered in her ear, “You coulda just said you wanted alone time, mama.”
The elevator doors opened, and Paige wouldn’t detach herself from the younger girl. Once the door closed, Paige started to give Azzi open-mouth kisses on her neck, causing Azzi's breath to hitch.
“You’re so fuckin pretty, Az”
“Mm, P.” 
Azzi turned around, connecting their lips, taking her time kissing Paige. Paige pushed her forward, letting Azzi’s back hit the wall. Their kiss becomes deeper as their breaths become heavier. Paige bit Azzi’s bottom lip and sucked, causing a loud moan to come out. Azzi grabbed Paige’s hips and quickly changed their positions, pushing Paige up against the wall. She immediately attached her lips to Paige’s neck.
“Fuck, that feels so good.”
Azzi kisses under her ear and whispers, “You like that?”
“So fuckin’ much.” Paige moans out breathlessly. 
“Mm, good to know,” Azzi says smugly. She goes back to kiss her neck, but then the elevator dings. The girls start laughing, and Paige grabs her hand. “Let’s go, beautiful.” 
There’s a thick tension between them as they walk down the hallway. While Azzi unlocks the door, Paige’s phone starts going off. Suddenly, Paige’s entire demeanor changed. 
Paige’s whole body tensed, seeing all the headlines about her. Will she be able to bring home a national championship? Does she really deserve to hold the #1 draft slot? The past month, the pressures of everything have been crashing down on her, crushing her underneath endless expectations. She’s been so good at pushing it all aside, but those glasses of wine certainly didn’t help. This past week, being with Azzi, she forgot about it all. She finally felt like a normal person again. 
“You okay, Paigey?”
Paige snapped out of her thoughts, remembering how much she enjoyed Azzi. 
“Y-yeah, for sure.”
Azzi looks at her phone, reading the same headlines Paige read. 
“Paige, you know all that stuff is just outside noise, right?”
“I mean, is it? They have a point. How can I be #1 pick with no natty? Like, even saying that out loud sounds crazy.”
“Because you’re amazing, Paige. You’ve earned that spot, with or without the championship.” 
“Yeah, whatever.”
“No, not whatever, P. C’mon, talk to me.” 
Paige knew she should just talk to Azzi about it all. But telling her how she’s felt makes it all too real. Azzi has been nothing but supportive to her; she doesn’t deserve to hear all of Paige’s ungrateful complaints. Paige starts to feel heavy in the silence between them, so she does the one thing that’s worked all week. She kisses Azzi. 
Azzi was caught off guard, but then kissed her back. She could not resist Paige, but she could feel the frustration, anger, and sadness in Paige’s kiss. She pulls back, “Paigey, talk to me.” 
Paige shakes her head no while focusing on Azzi’s lips with dilated dark blue eyes. She’s so tired of feeling like this, like she has no control over her life. She just wants to not feel like this for one minute. She pulled Azzi back in for a rough kiss, pouring any emotion she had left into the kiss. 
“Azzi, it’s fine. I’m fine.” Paige pushed back, grabbing at the back of Azzi’s neck to kiss her again. Azzi has no idea what to do. She’d never seen this side of Paige before. If she doesn’t want to talk, she takes it out on exercise and finds her way back to Azzi by the end of the day. Azzi kisses her back because it’s evident that’s what Paige needs right now. But the voice in the back of her head knows this isn’t how it’s supposed to go.
Azzi pulls back harder this time, sternly saying her name, “Paige.”
“Please, Azzi baby, I need you right now.” Something about the vulnerability takes over the logical voices in Azzi’s head, and she kisses Paige back. Paige smiled under Azzi’s initiative and pushed her against the wall, kissing down her neck. She stops right under Azzi’s ear, biting and soothing the sting over with her tongue. 
“P-paige, fuck.” This just spurs Paige on, and she shoves her leg in between Azzi’s and starts grinding into her. 
“You’re so fuckin’ hot, mama.” Paige displayed her strength by picking Azzi up and walking her over to the bed. Azzi grips at her shoulders, taking in the feeling of Paige all over her. Their kisses turn sloppy as their tongues fight for dominance. This is all Azzi has wanted, but something feels wrong. When her back hits the bed, the voices warning her to stop this come front and center.
Azzi moves her lips off of Paige, which Paige takes as an opportunity to kiss her neck again. Paige is lost in her head, desperately trying to push back all her negative feelings. But any insecurity and doubt she’s ever had is fighting back full force. Azzi is the only thing she’s ever had that is good and pure. She needs all of Azzi. Paige starts to move her hand down to the top of Azzi’s jeans when Azzi’s brain finally catches up with her. 
“Paige, stop.”
Paige freezes, her dark blue eyes now looking so lost. “You don’t want this, do you?”
“W-what no, Paige, hold on.”
“Fuck, I’m so stupid,” Paige says with tears ready to fall at any moment and removes herself from Azzi, to sit at the edge of the bed. Of course the one thing Paige thought would always be good in her life, she fucked up too.
“Paige, stop, that’s not it I jus—” 
“Azzi, it’s fine. I messed up; no need for you to fix this, too. Just drop it.” Paige feels guilt more than anything now for putting Azzi in this position. She was so desperate to run from her feelings that now she was just hurting herself and her best friend in the process. 
Azzi isn’t even sure what the right thing to say right now is. She wants to admit her feelings for Paige. Let her know that she’s all she wants, but there’s obviously something going on that she can’t understand. 
“I’m sorry for fucking this all up, Azzi,” Paige whispers and drops her head into her hands, resting on her knees. 
“Paige, you didn’t fuck anyhting up. Please, just listen to me, baby.”
Paige’s tense shoulders relaxed at the term of endearment as Azzi rubbed her back. Maybe she didn’t totally push her away.
“Look at me, P.” Paige hesitates but finally turns to look at Azzi, feeling some sense of relief and fear at the look in Azzi’s eyes. She’s not sure she can handle any more rejection. 
“Paige, please, just talk to me. You’ve been on and off reacting like this all month, overdoing workouts and spending all night in the gym. I want to be here for you, Paigey, but I can’t if you don’t let me in. 
Paige lets that sit, really sit. She knows Azzi is right and feels like she's ripping at the seams and trying to hold it all in. 
Azzi almost didn’t hear Paige respond with her tear-filled whisper, “I’m not good enough.”
“Oh, Paige, come here.” Azzi opened her arms, and her best friend fell into her, sobbing. “I wish you could see yourself like I do. You’re more than enough, P; you’re everything. People will always have something to say, and half the time, they’re not even right. You constantly have so much pressure on you, so please let me take it off you.”
Azzi lets the older girl sob in her arms. “Let it all out, baby, I’ve got you.” 
“I-I’m s-so scared to f-fail.” Paige grips onto Azzi’s shirt like it's her lifeline, desperately trying to catch her breath between her tears. 
“It’s okay to fail sometimes, Paige. It’s what makes you stronger. It’s what makes you the Paige we all fell in love with.” The Paige I fell in love with is on the tip of Azzi’s tongue. 
“I’m so scared of letting everyone down.” Paige finally looks up at her, with her beautiful bright blue eyes filled with tears streaming down her face. 
“I know, love, it’s a lot to hold onto by yourself. Let me hold onto it with you. If you let fear take over your life, you’ll find yourself at the bottom of a hole you dug yourself. We need to find your drive and passion again, and I promise you that the rest will come naturally. You’re never alone as long as I’m here.”
Paige lets her words settle, really taking them in before whispering, “Okay.”
“Okay,” Azzi says softly, cradling Paige’s face. Something about it felt like a promise. 
“C’mon, P, let’s get you to bed.”
The girls get in their PJs and slip under the covers. 
“Az?” Paige turned to face her best friend.
“Can you, uh, c-can you hold me?” This isn’t the confident Paige everyone is used to seeing. This is the Paige only Azzi has the privilege to see. 
“Of course, P.” Azzi opened her arms, and Paige immediately shuffled her way into Azzi, grabbing her shirt again for comfort. 
“I’m sorry, Az.”
“Don’t be. You’re always my best friend before anything. I’ll always be here for you.” Azzi squeezed her tighter, emphasizing her words. 
“Yeah, best friends.” Paige shoved her head further into Azzi’s neck, holding back more tears. Azzi runs her fingers through Paige’s hair and kisses her temple. 
“It’s gonna be okay, P.” 
Azzi isn’t sure who she's trying to reassure more, Paige or herself. 
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luuvprincess · 6 hours ago
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"So what exactly are we doing here?" I asked Jey as we pulled to Trin and Jon's house. Jey hadn't told me anything just told me to pack bag for 4 days and that he was picking me up. "I'll let Trinity tell you since it was her idea." He says as turns the car off. He gets out first as his sons got too and I get out myself.
"I'm gonna be honest im scared for what yall have planned." I said as I walked to back of car as he pulling out our bags. "Don't be scared."
"Hey yall!" I hear Trinity yell. I turned around seeing her and Jon and they're kids standing on porch. Jon and trinity started walking down towards us as Jeyce ran over to Jayla and Jayden leaving Jey to carry the bags in alone.
Jey shook his head at jeyce as he closed the trunk. "This boy and damn baby what the hell you pack?" He asked.
"You didn't tell what exactly I needed to pack for so I just picked a little bit of everything." I said as Jon and Trinity stop in front of us. "Hey girl you look cute." Trinity said as she pulled me in for tight hug I hugged her back with a little squeeze. "Hey Uce." She said as then hugged Jey as I hugged Jimmy.
"Hey Jim."
"Hey Cece, uce you need help?" He asked as we all watched Jey struggling a little.
"Hell yeah your nephew ain't shit for leaving me and this girl I don't know what the fuck she packed something told me I should have went over and pack her shit myself." Jey says. I rolled my eyes at him as I shake my head.
"So Trinity what are we doing anyways Jey told me you were gonna tell me." I said.
"We are going camping boo so I hope you packed some boots!" She yelled all excited.
"Who's camping?" I asked. "We are girl it's gonna be fun relax. I rented us a RV and this time we are gonna actually be able to some fun family activities." She said as she looked at the twins. I also looked at them as they gave us thumbs up cheesing hard.
"Yea relax ma it'll be fun. No phones, just us the trees, and some wild animals that live in woods." Jey says.
"Joshua you are not funny." I said.
We walked into the house, the kids were somewhere around the house I followed Jey to the room we'd be staying in tonight since we're leaving until tomorrow.
"So we're leaving around 9:30, 10 so be up." Trinity yells from the living room.
"You knew that had you told me what we were doing I'd say no that's why you didn't want to tell me." I said immediately turning my attention towards Josh.
"Yea I knew your ass would have said no, but I want you here." He said.
"Joshua you know ion do the woods." I said as I folded my arms. "Baby it's just 3 days you acting as if it's a week in woods." He said.
"Eww 3 days in woods. I better be getting this cookie ate or something." I said.
"I can make something work." He said with a smirk.
"I can't believe yall about to have my ass in the woods I gotta call my mommy and tell her I love her." I said as picked my phone.
"Your dramatic Sierra." He says before he walked out the room just as my mom picked up my call.
"Hey baby." She said.
"Hey mommy guess what?" I said.
"What's sup honey?" She asked. "My boss and his family got me going camping mom, you know ion do camping." I said.
"Cheer up honey it'll probably be fun." She said.
"Mom the last I went camping was when I was ten and
Saint and uncle Jameson chased me and Candace around in big foot a costume and till this day I still refuse to go camping." I said.
"Well looks like that will be changing soon." She said. I then hear someone in the background which sounded like my brother.
"Who's that talking?" I asked.
"Who's that on the phone?" Saint asked as poking his head in the camera. "Ah shit is that my big headed little sister." He said as he took the phone.
"Eww boy you ugly as hell." I said.
"If I'm ugly you ugly too we look alike little sis." He says.
"My man says other wise but later mom love you." I said.
"Love you more sweetheart, Saint gimme my damn phone boy."  She said.
"Hey hello where's my I love you big brother and when the fuck you get a boyfriend again." Saint says.  I playfully rolled eyes.
"I love you Saint I gotta go duty calls." I said.
"Love you too sis be safe miss you and don’t think we ain’t done with this conversation." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"I miss yall too later." I said ended the call.
I let out a sigh as I got off the bed walking downstairs as I joined Trinity the kitchen not seeing Jey in sight. "Hey boo." She said.
"Hey where the boys?" I asked.
"Out back they finna cook on that grill." She says.
"Good I'm hungry." I said. "Girl me too but aren't you excited for this road trip?" She asked.
"Honestly no last time I went camping my uncle and brother traumatized me chased me around in a big foot costume."  I tell hers
"Oh well that's scary I can see why you wouldn't to go camping now." She said trying her hardest not to laugh but she couldn't hold. "Haha ahh I'm sorry it really not funny I can only imagine you running around trying to get away from them."
"It's fine at the time it wasn't funny but now that I'm older and I know big foot don't exist it's funny to me now." I said laughing with her.
"What y'all in here laughing about?" Jimmy says as him and Jey walked in through the back door.
"About time I get chased by big foot when I was 10." I said.
"You know big foot ain't real?" Jey asked coming up next to me. "Yea I know he's not real Boohda and my uncle decided it was good idea to chase me my cousin in a big foot costume and that was the last time I went camping and reason I'm not a fan of camping now."
"It's okay bae I'll keep you safe." He said kissing my cheek making me blush. I turned hiding my face in his chest.
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Sierra woke up feeling Jey just now getting to bed. Him and Jimmy had decided to play the game before bed. "It's about time you came to bed." She muttered as she cuddling into his chest. He chuckled placing a kiss on her forehead. "I wasn't go for long." He said.
"It's one in the morning i came up here at 10 that's 3hrs you left me in this cold ass bed alone." She said. "Ight baby my fault." He said as tighten his arm around the her. "I get a personal cuddle bear, I'm in love." She said causing to let out another chuckle. "I love you too." He says.
"Is that so?" She asked. He sighed flipping them over so that he was hovering over her. She gasped as he grabbed face so she could look him in the eyes.
"You gonna keeping questioning my answers girl? I done told you countless times before Im the one that's in love with you Sierra, I see a future for us." He said.
"You hear me?" He asked.
"Yes I hear you Joshua." She said.
"Nah ion think you do." He says. "But I'm finna show you ass I'm deadass about you and about us...turn over for me and you take this off too. He said pulling at his shirt she was "barrowing".
Her eyes brows arched into confusion as she looked at him. "C'mon mama, don't act like you don't know what's finna happen."  He said. 
"I know your crazy but hello your kids, your brother, Trinity and your niece and nephew are literally down the hall." She said. He leaned down kissing her neck leaving hickeys in few places.
He knew he was finna get cuss out tomorrow when she sees them but he ain't care he’ll deal with that tomorrow.
"Josh seriously." She wishpered yelled slightly pushing him back. He sighed kissing her as he ripped her shirt off. She broke the kiss gasping at his action. "You clearly made your mind." She says flipping over on her stomach.
"Mhmm All you gotta do mama is be quiet...lift ya hips up a little." He said as reached over grabbing a pillow she lifted her hips up as he slide the pillow under her. "You feel comfortable mama?" He asked.
"Yes daddy." She said. He smirked as he began leaving a trail of kisses from her neck down her back down to her causing her to moan. He gave her as a little smack. "You not listening already mama." He said.
"Sorry daddy."
"You love me baby?" He wisphered as he got close to her ear. "Yes." She murmured. His hand wrapped around her neck as he pulled her in for a hungry sloppy kiss.
"Fuck you sexy." He groaned as he pushed his arosusal on her plumped butt. She tried her best to quietly moan his name.
He sat up pulling himself out his shorts. He spread her open with one hand sliding himself in her wet auora. Both of them letting out a soft quiet moan feeling each other.
"Fuck baby this pussy wet as hell." He groaned in her ear as he began moving. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. "Fuck." He groawled.
"J-jey." She whined. He grabbed her hair pulling her back. "You like that we could possibly get caught don't you mama?" She let out a soft moan in response.
"Mhmm yeah you do." He says with a smirk. "You so naughty baby."
"Fuck." She whimpered as his tip hit her g-spot. "Right here daddy."
"Right there mama?" He asked. She nodded her head eyes rolled to the back of her head as she bit down on her bottom lip. "Look at you pretty girl." He said.
Her walls started clutching around him making him let out a deep but quiet moan his hands grabbed on to her waist as he began picking up his speed. The room filled with the sounds of soft moans and groans, the sound of their skin slapping against each other was Jey sure that Jim and Trinity heard them.
As for kids he kids felt bad but at same time didn't after thinking back on how many times he's been woken up out his sleep to them all fighting and brickering at each other.
"Uhn uhh move that hand mama."
"F-fuck slow d-fuck I'm coming daddy." She cried out.
"Wet this dick up mama, cum on your dick." He says giving her ass a smack.
"Oh fuck jey." She moaned as she milked him. He continued to fuck her through her orgasm as he chased his high.
“Fuck this my pussy?” He asked.
“Y-yes Jey.” She muttered.
“Can daddy nut in his pussy?” He asked.
“Yes pleasee.” She begged. His strokes started getting sloppy. “Fuck baby I’m finna nut…ah shitt fuckk.” He grunted as his shoot warm seed in her.
“Fuck god damn baby.” He says as pulls out. His dick covered with their juice. “You good pretty girl?” He asked.
“Mhmm.” She mumbled as she began to fall asleep. He chuckled kissing behind her ear. “Imma go get you towel to clean you up don’t fall sleep baby.”
He got up walked the bathroom he grabbed a towel wetting it a little and went back to the room to find her passed out. He shook his head walking over to her and cleaned her up. He as few leaned down kissing her forehead.
“I love you baby.” He said then got in bed himself.
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“WAKE YALL FREAKY ASS UP!” Jimmy yelled as he banged on Sierra and Jey’s door. Sierra groaned putting her pillow over her face. “AYE UCE get up dog.” Jimmy said as continued to bang on the door.
Somehow this man was still sleeping. Sierra sat up remembering that Joshua ripped her shirt off last night she used the blanket to cover her chest as she rubbed her eye. She looked to her side as she looked at Josh.
“Joshhh.” She groaned shaking him out his sleep.
“Mmm.” He groaned swooshing her hand away.
“Wake up so we can get ready.” She said. They both eventually got up and went to the bathroom. “Can get me my pills from my bag please.”
“Which pocket is it in?” He asked.
“In the left pocket.”
He came back in the bathroom with her pills handing it to her. While he used the bathroom she took her pills.
“Joshua Samuel Fatu why?” She said groaning as she seen her neck that covered with fresh hickeys. “Joshhhh!” She whined.
“W-oh I forgot I did that.” He said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes grabbing her tooth brush and began brushing her teeth.
Sierra throw on some leggings a spaghetti strap crop-top and a grey hoodie with her grey and white dunks that hey got her.
Jey throw on a Nike hoodie no shirt and a pair of his famous hoochie daddy shorts with his black and white dunks and Nike hat.
Once Sierra saw what he was wearing she immediately felt got wet in her panties. They made their way downstairs grabbing some food.
After everyone ate they checked their bags and made their they had everything the needed for the trip before hitting the road.
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Tag list 🏷️💗: @uceyliyahh @mselenalovebug @theusotwinzcom @isabella-2025 @dstark-0706 @4milly @zillasvilla @charmed-dreamssss @sheaabuttaababyy @levissslutt
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ivysos2001 · 7 months ago
You still can’t convince me that the whole ‘Steve abandons everyone in the present to go back to Peggy’ thing was a well thought out/well developed ending for his character that made any sense for his post-catfa character arc (let alone all the time travel stuff) bc wdym none of the people who made the movie can figure out the logistics of it??
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months ago
should i change my headcanons based upon “i saw it in a dream”
#as far as witcher dreams go this one was extremely mid as i actually woke up from it by going ‘but that doesn’t make any sense’#and i should have done that several times earlier#triss dragging geralt onto this cursed ass cruise ship by feigning illness and then lightly crying about it was the most in character thing#the thing is that in the dream the events of it were being presented ‘to me’ as ‘canon’#as in this was a new book or something a la crossroads so this is part of the lore now#so the thing was that geralt had another company in his 20s but they all died/were cursed/some insanity#one of them (and i only remember this bc it was terrifying for some reason) was turned into a tomcat and they couldnt figure out#how to change him back so they left him with other people and came back like 10 years later#it was like he forgot human life and was also a really old cat so they just allowed him to die as a cat#the other ones were not that interesting i think one was a postmaster who did fisstech and the other was a young mentally deficient girl#who had some powers/was a Source but she got betrayed when triss (yes triss was here) basically abducted geralt#and she took him on a cruise ship and then the game vampires (yeah so this is when i was like ‘what’) showed up#i guess they lived on or were haunting this cruise ship#actually was pretty cool because i got ‘POV lady orianna drinks your blood’ i’m OK with that#however regis and dettlaff showed up and immediately started acting like a monty python sketch or something#they kinda entered swaggeringly to start drinking people and#regis was like ‘ok you go around that side of the room and i’ll go around this side and we’ll take a survey’#and dettlaff was like ‘why drink from all of them to judge the taste just take a few … ‘samples’’#and regis went ‘ohhhhhhhh’ and they had this loud conversation in front of a room of terrified humans#and the dream ended with me basically pausing it and arguing to some other people that this can’t happen because so and so#and i started trying to pull examples/quotes about it#this is the most embarassing and unhinged dream i have had about the witcher i’m going to go hide in a hole now#usually my dreams are some semblance of canon or at least what i like and prefer#dude. regis showed up at the end but his game design. and his outfits were ugly 😭😭😭#the elbow-high diaries#oh but the ONE thing that was kind of cool was seeing how vampires are created#they fall from the sky in stormy weather and are invisible to the human eye and then if they come across another they scream them to death#or not death but dissipation and then they absorb the defeated one’s?? traits or whatever#i kind of like my current idea better but maybe this for like a subset of them or something
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Definitely Bored Oranges is definitely a very bad and boring channel and I think what the girlies would've learned from James Somerton by now is that mediocre, ugly men need to keep VIvziepop's pretty girlypop name out of their fuckin' mouths.
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hurtspideyparker · 6 months ago
Part 3 of if Civil War didn't end in divorce and everyone lived together
Part 1 Part 2
Mission debrief:
Thor: Don't feel bad Banner, I mean is there anyone at this table who hasn't killed somebody?
Peter: *slowly raises hand*
Natasha: Don't worry you're still young
Peter: 😟
Steve: Has anyone seen my shield?
Clint: *points outside*
*Peter, Thor, and Bucky playing frisbee with it*
Steve: I guess I'm not saving those orphans today :/
Clint: Tony I said seedless watermelon, are you trying to kill me?
Tony: You're a big boy, you aren't gonna choke
Clint: No but it might... grow
Tony: Oh please don't tell me you still think watermelon seeds grow inside your stomach if you swallow them
Pietro: Bro got a licence to kill but still has a Jack and the Beanstock level of education
2:34 am
Tony: *leaving Steve's bedroom*
Sam: *leaving Bucky's bedroom*
Tony: Let's never speak of this?
Sam: Yep.
Steve: Tony, you're the smartest person I know. You understand anything you set out to study, your passion is remarkable, innovation beyond anyone on the planet, and an incredible memory
Tony: Thank you thank you
Tony: Uh
Tony: Goodnight kid *tucks Peter into bed and kisses his forehead*
*Clint, Vision, Thor, and Dum-E waiting outside the room*
Tony: Oh come on. All of you?
Tony: Vision you don't even sleep. Dum-E I am not kissing you again you gave me chemical burns last time
Dum-E: *lowers head and whirs sadly*
Bucky: Don't sit so close to me
Sam: Why, cause I'm black 🤨
Bucky: No because you smell like ass sweat
Sam: Why, cause I'm bl-
During training:
Natasha: *flips Steve and slams him onto his back*
Peter: Woah! I wanna know how to do that
Natasha: *flips Peter and slams him onto his back*
Natasha: Seems like you already know how
Tony: Okay Merida, you and me, darts for a hundred bucks. My suit vs. your freak self
Clint: I'll take that bet
*7 minutes later*
Tony: I have advanced AI targetting technology. SUPER. SUIT. How did I lose?!
Clint: It can do a lot of things Tony but at the end of the day it can't super suck this di-
Bucky: Sam's in medical so I'll do the mission debrief with you
Natasha: That was fast, I thought you'd still be coddling your boyfriend the rest of the day
Bucky: What. How do you know about us.
Natasha: I don't, it was a joke...
Bucky: Damn you really are good at interrogation
Bruce: I've taken up puzzles as a hobby. It's actually really relaxing
*Box is missing the last piece*
Bruce: *sighs, erases the 61 under the 'Days Without Hulk Incident' sign*
Natasha: Kings
Bucky: Go fish. Sevens?
Natasha: Nada. Fives?
Bucky: Shit. Here
Sam: I thought y'all were playing poker, are you for real playing Go Fish?
Natasha: Our pockets got cleaned out so we quit. The poker game is over by Steve
Peter: HAHA SUCK IT OLD MAN, AMERICA JUST WENT BANKRUPT *pulls giant pile of animal crackers to himself*
Steve: Do you want to play catch?
Wanda: What?
Steve: Um. Do you want to watch Hannah Montana?
Wanda: I don't even know what you're talking about
Steve: Maybe I could show you how to brush your teeth?
Wanda: Steve you're really scaring me
Steve: The article said to do it together! *shows phone*
Wanda: Are you getting parenting advice from wikihow? Did you even read it or were you just skimming the pictures
Steve: ...Well why'd they put toothbrushing in the photo if it wasn't a good bonding activity?
Sam: Why are your titties so bouncy man. Is it to deflect bullets?
Steve: What did you just say about my chest...
Sam: Hey I call em as I see em, and they're staring right at me.
Peter: Yo Mr. Stark wanna see a backflip?
Peter: Oh Cap come see my front handsprings
Peter: Natasha watch this aerial cartwheel!
Tony: Why did you tell him you were in the circus. Now that the idea's in his head all he does is jump around and cause noise complaints from downstairs
Clint: C'mon it's cute! He's talented
Bucky: I'm gonna tell him it doesn't count because he has superpowers and that he's a cheat
Tony: But that'll ruin his confidence
Bucky: God I hope so
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zyafics · 1 month ago
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Pairing – Rafe x Mermaid!Female Reader
Summary — Rafe seeks Sarah's help about what to do with you.
Word Count — 1.7K
Content — fluff, protective!Rafe, Sarah acting like a bitch, and you acting clueless and afraid of everything except your mate, also suggestive ending. A continuum of this piece!
Dedication — to @nemesyaaa my own little mermaid, and @promiscuousg1rl for reading it first <3.
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“She’s a mermaid?”
Rafe’s telling Sarah about his encounter with you. After taking you back to Tannyhill, you confide in the stranger—your mate—that you’re a mermaid. It’s your first time on land, with legs, and why you wobble with each step. But Rafe didn’t believe you.
However, the conviction in your voice had him second-guessing. The way you peer up at him with such innocent, enchanting eyes that blink with such naivety, he wanted to protect you with all the fibers of his being. He felt like he was being sucked into a trance, not thinking straight, that he sought out a secondary opinion.
Well, more like that she forced him to tell her.
Because Sarah didn’t see a helpless woman who needed Rafe’s help. She saw a stranger, walking around the estate, barely wearing any clothes, except for a half-assed outfit strung together from her brother’s closet.
“Have you gone insane?” Sarah snaps at Rafe, her tone dripping with disbelief. “A mermaid? The fairytales Dad used to tell us about when we were kids?”
Rafe feels insane for believing it.
“I know it doesn’t make sense,” Rafe declares, “But that’s what she told me.”
Sarah blows out a stream of air, shaking her head. “Seriously, Rafe. What type of women are you sleeping with?”
“I’m not sleeping with her,”
“Yeah, because being naked is a default setting,”
“I found her like that,” Rafe hisses at his sister. “She was at the beach, naked, with these fuckin’ seashells as a bra. What else do I suspect?”
“Not a mermaid,” Sarah insists, as if it was the most normal response. She glances towards Rafe’s bedroom, where you stay, and sighs. “Have you asked her where she’s from?”
“The ocean,”
Sarah glares. “Not funny.”
“That’s what she told me,” Rafe declares.
Sarah shakes her head again as if she can’t believe her brother would believe in such nonsense. “Alright, I’ll do it. I guess men can’t do shit,” Sarah announces, grabbing Rafe’s arm and hauling him back to his bedroom.
You stand near the corner of his desk, going through everything of his. All family portraits hung behind glass, all his trinkets he found from scouting the beaches, all the golden rings he wears, and the expensive colognes he sets to the side. Your fingers trace each and every curve, feeling the magnitude of each touch, without the presence of water, in a way that allows you to feel each edge. You don’t even notice Sarah and Rafe’s return until someone clears their throat.
Turning around, you spot your mate beside another woman, her hand wrapped around his wrist. Your brows furrow together, full, pouty lips pull to a subtle frown, unsure of what to make of it. Back in Atlantis, no partners would be so shameless to be seen with another mermaid. For Rafe to do so, strikes your chest.
Rafe must’ve picked it up. Somehow, he understood the look behind your eyes, the way you scrutinize his sister’s touch. “This is Sarah, my sister.”
All concern drops, and you grin. “Hi, Sarah!”
“Hi,” She drawls sardonically. “My gullible brother is telling me you’re a mermaid,"
Rafe wants to nudge Sarah in the ribcage. But, you didn’t seem to acknowledge the insult, nodding your head diligently, as if you were answering an average question. “Yes.”
Sarah squints her eyes at you. “A mermaid with no tail,” she boasts suspiciously, but you don’t see it as that.
“Yes,” you answer again, your tone indicating causality as if this concept isn’t hard to grasp.
“So a human,” Sarah concludes, drawing back to the board, just as Rafe done before.
“No,” you make a sound of frustration; you went through a similar conversation with Rafe before, and you feel something tense bubbling in your throat. You attempt to walk towards them, to explain further, but you lost your footing. However, Rafe easily appears by your side and catches you.
“Alright, Bambi, slow down,” he murmurs into your freshly-dried hair; soft, voluminous, laced with the sweet smell of the sea. You peer up at him, doe-shaped eyes with complete and total vulnerability, as if you trust him.
“She certainly got the walk down,” Sarah comments and Rafe lifts his gaze to glare at his sister. You shiver under his embrace, and for some reason, Rafe recognizes it’s because of Sarah.
She’s making you uncomfortable and targeted like you can’t seem to grasp that. Rafe can’t explain how he knows this—how he feels it—but he does. You’re frustrated, and a little hurt, and it’s vibrating off of your body like a shaken leaf.
“Stop interrogating her,” Rafe snaps, defensive of you.
“You asked for my opinion,”
“An opinion, not to be a bitch,” he declares, his other arm wraps protectively over your waist, drawing you closer to him. You revel in the feeling of his warmth, nuzzling against his chest to find comfort.
Sarah rolls her eyes; somehow, she recognizes that you got her brother under a spell. “So what happens now?”
Rafe doesn’t know. He’s trying to figure out the pieces and combine mythology with reality, but nothing makes sense. If he takes your words at face value, that means there’s a reason for your presence, rather than a simple encounter. He plans to take a trip to Ward’s office, to look through his treasured collection of sailor’s stories, and figure out a solution from there.
But there’s also another problem: you.
You and your nakedness.
“Can you do me a favor and take her shopping?” Rafe asks.
“Shopping?” Sarah repeats. “For clothes?”
“No, for a ring,” Rafe replies sardonically. “Yes, for fuckin’ clothes. She didn’t have anything, she barely fits into me, and I doubt you’re the type to share.”
Sarah hums, confirming the last comment.
When Rafe turns back to you, in his arms, his expression softens, his voice layered with a sweetness no one ever had the privilege of hearing before. “We’re going to get you some clothes.”
“Clothes?” You repeat, brows wrinkling together at the foreign concept. “Human clothes?” You pick at Rafe’s shirt, running your fingers across the soft fabric.
He nods. “Clothes.”
You beam at this new exploration; this new human concept that you’ve never had before. You try to stand on your own feet, nearly falling, before finding ground. Sarah approaches you and gently grabs your hand, pulling you towards the door—slowly, cautiously to not lose your footing—but, a few steps in, you resist.
Rafe isn’t following you. He’s abandoning you to a strange woman, a strange companion you don’t completely trust in.
You turn back to Rafe, expression full of panic.
“You’re not coming?” You ask, your voice sultry and soft, as if you can’t seem to distinguish between captivation and causality.
Rafe shakes his head, but his heart aches at the look on your face. “I have work to do.”
You frown. You don’t know if you want to go now either, especially without your mate. But his sister tugs on your arm, and despite her tight grip, you resist.
“Sarah’s my sister,” Rafe explains again, hoping to calm the fear in your eyes. “She’ll keep you safe.”
You hesitate, turning back to Sarah, expecting to find the sardonic, humorless look on her face. But all hostility originally boasted has depleted, and she glosses over with a tender look, almost keeping to the promise of what her brother preaches.
Reluctantly, you nod, and follow Sarah out of Rafe’s bedroom, out of the sanction, and away into the open world.
A few hours later, Rafe’s at the kitchen island, going through old scripts. He’s searching through old maps, and old journal entries, to find any clues about your sudden presence at Kildare. His focus tunes everything out—until the noise of you tripping upon return causes him to lift his gaze.
What he sees takes his breath away.
You’re in the most gorgeous, detailed dress; layered with this blue iridescent color that makes you look like a fantasy. It accentuates every curve on your body, strategically revealing tantalizing skin, and boosts this wave of etherealness.
Rafe can’t seem to look away.
Sarah falls in line beside the counter, her arms leaning against the island, noticing the way you caught her brother in a trance.
“Your little mermaid eats fish,” Sarah declares, causing him to snap out of his state.
He turns to her. “What?”
“I mean, for a mermaid, she can eat fish; for some reason, I assumed they only ate kelp,” she chuckles to herself. Rafe realizes that Sarah took you out to lunch, at some restaurant downtown. “If it helps, she’s also very knowledgeable about the sea. Kept going on tangents about different species, how they interact in the ocean, and even challenged a couple of jewelry stores about their pearls. I was almost convinced she’s a real mermaid.”
Rafe doesn’t say anything, his sister’s voice slowly slipping into the background when his gaze returns back to you.
You’re twirling in your dress, catching your footing, and losing it in the same breath, while laughing at the way the fabric spins around you. A melodic, siren-song laugh that sounds enchanting.
“What?” Sarah asks, noting his brother’s lack of response. She follows his line of vision. “You don’t like the dress?”
Rafe swallows, feeling something thick in his throat, before rubbing his jaw. He forces himself to snap out of it—again—before turning back to his sister. The lure to return back to you is hard to resist. “You couldn’t have found something less… form-fitting?”
Sarah scoffs. She can’t believe Rafe’s complaining. “You should be glad I got her into something at all,” she declares. “For a mermaid who’s so fascinated with human customs, she truly does not respect any of it.”
“What do you mean?”
Rafe returns back to you, and the way you find your space in his living room, while Sarah lowers herself to her brother’s level, meeting the shell of his ear, as if she’s trading a secret.
“She’s not wearing any panties.”
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snow-snowball · 3 months ago
𓆩❤︎𓆪 Nice ass, bro! 𓆩❤︎𓆪
You slapped his ass and complimented him.
characters: Sylus; Xavier; Zayne; Rafayel.
a/n: English is not my first language, so I apologise for any mistakes.
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• Honestly, he expected something like this from you.
• So when you smacked him on his nice backside, Sylus merely raised an eyebrow.
• “Are you serious? Are you that bored, kitten?”
• “You have such a lovely butt, darling! I couldn’t just walk past it!”
• He simply grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer.
• “And what if I do this?” His hand began to slide from your waist down to your rear. “Hmm, I won’t stop, you know that, right?” Sylus lowered his head onto your shoulder. You felt a slight sting from his bite, followed by his slippery tongue licking the spot he had just bitten.
• “Sylus—I—I was just joking!”
• “Joking, you say?” The man straightened up and put on a pensive look, then suddenly his ruby eyes sparkled with mischief as he lifted you by your thighs. “Well, it seems the joke has spiraled out of control.” In a swift motion, he threw you over his shoulder and playfully smacked your ass, striding toward your bedroom. “Kieran, Luke, I’ll be busy for a couple of hours, so put your work on hold.” Sylus waved his free hand dismissively at his subordinates, who chuckled at the scene, before disappearing with you.
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• Xavier lay on the couch with his eyes closed.
• You knew perfectly well that he wasn’t actually asleep; he was just pretending. That’s why you tiptoed closer to him.
• The Hunter had heard you long ago but continued to feign sleep. He was curious about what you were planning to do.
• Noticing his eyelashes fluttering slightly, you raised your fist to your mouth, stifling an impending laugh. Once you reached him, you were greeted with a stunning view of his backside, snugly wrapped in light blue jeans. You let out a whistle, momentarily forgetting your purpose. Gathering your composure, you playfully smacked his firm rear, the sound of your playful slap echoing through the room.
• Xavier propped himself up and looked at you with a puzzled expression. “Why did you do that?”
• “Great butt, darling!” you exclaimed, raising your finger triumphantly with a bright smile.
• The hunter sat there for a while, resting his chin on his thumb, deep in thought. “Alright then, I guess I’ll...” He suddenly pulled you close, settling you on his lap as his hands went straight to your hips, squeezing them and making you gasp. “Your ass is way better than mine. Mind if I chill like this for a bit?” He leaned his head to the side and gave you an innocent puppy-dog look—classic forbidden move.
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• The man sat in the armchair, engrossed in a medical book. He was too absorbed to notice when you came home.
• You felt a twinge of worry that your husband hadn’t greeted you. But upon finding him reading in the living room, you crossed your arms and gave him a slightly displeased look. He still didn’t pay you any mind. With a sigh, you approached him, placing your hand on the book to close it and then letting it fall to your side.
• Slightly startled, Zane glanced at you and immediately stood up to embrace you. “I’m so sorry, darling; I lost track of time.”
• “It’s fine; I guess the book is more important than your wife!”
• “Don’t say that…” He looked at you seriously, taking your warm hands in his cool ones. “You will always come first to me.” The doctor held you gently, as if afraid to chase you away. He caressed your back with his large hands, burying his nose in your hair and kissing the top of your head.
• You couldn’t stay mad at him for long and wrapped your arms around him in return. You stood that way for a few minutes until your hands slid down, squeezing your husband’s toned behind and playfully tapping his firm thighs. “Wow! Dr. Zane, you’ve a nice ass!”
• The man let out a weary sigh; this wasn’t the first time you had done this. “As you wish, my dear.”
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• He was painting in his studio as usual, inspiration pouring out of him like a raging river. The masks were bold, and the colors were alive and vibrant.
• All would be well, except Rafayel kept getting paint smeared all over his backside.
• You quietly slipped into his room and froze at the doorway. His gorgeous ass was wrapped in tight pants, with paint smudges dotting the surface, and oh my, it bounced so enticingly with his movements.
• You spotted a small tube of paint and, seizing the opportunity, squeezed some onto your palm. Sneaking up behind him, you delivered a playful smack to his ass, causing him to jump in surprise. Raphael inadvertently jolted his hand, ruining what could have been a masterpiece.
• “What the hell?! You! You! Are you out of your mind?!”
• “I gotta say, this painting is just killer.” You pointed at his backside playfully. “The imprint of my hand fits perfectly into it!”
• The artist turned his head and noticed the marks your hands had left on his pants. Frowning, he turned away from you, arms crossed over his chest.
• “Did I hurt your feelings?” You stepped closer, wrapping your arms around him from behind. Your paint-splattered hands slipped beneath his shirt. “What a bummer, though! I still have some touches left to add—Ouch!”
• He suddenly spun around, pushing you back against his desk and looming over you. “Looks like you’ve taken it too far, Miss Artist.” He dipped his fingers into bright red paint, smirking as he locked eyes with you. “Now it’s my turn to create.”
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© 2024 do reblog, but don’t copy or publish my work on other platforms, or translate (without my permission) into other languages. Any coincidences are coincidental! The dividers belong to me! If you want use them, just tag me: @snow-snowball
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p0ckykiss · 4 months ago
just a few kisses - jay
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summary -> it turns out jay is an affectionate drunk (and a bit cheesy)
-> female reader x jay, fluff, established relationship, jay is obsessed with y/n's ass, suggestive, mentions of sexual activity
“can’t we leave already?” your friend complained trying to stretch her aching back. you and your friends (with your boyfriend jay) were at the new year’s after party, your friend group was huddled into a corner, too exhausted to mingle with the other guests.
“just half an hour more,” you tried to comfort your friend, while your eyes scanned the crowd. you hadn’t seen jay in a while, and you were starting to grow restless.
suddenly you felt a body come in contact with your back and a hot breath fanning over your neck. from the way your friend was jokingly rolling her eyes and turning her head away, you guessed the person behind you had to be jay. you were about to turn around to confirm this when jay opened his mouth.
“your ass looks so hot in this dress baby?” you spluttered and almost choked on the champagne you had been sipping for the past fifteen minutes. you coughed a few times before whipping around to stare at your boyfriend, scandalized. jay giggled at the look on your face and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you in.
“how much have you had to drink?” you questioned after getting over your initial shock. this was a side of jay you rarely got to see in public. sure, he was the cuddly when you were alone at your apartment, but whenever you were out and about, the pda was kept to the minimum.
“not that much, actually,” jay chuckled before surprising you even further and starting to pepper your face with soft kisses. a giggle bubbled up from between your lips.
“baby, there are people here!” you laughed and tried to push his face away. it took a few tries but eventually jay surrendered and settled for just looking at you, caressing your neck.
“well,” you mused after a while of just standing there with a small smile on your lips, tracing patterns onto jay's chest, “how are you feeling right now?”
jay slowly slided his hands down your backside, settling them on your ass. you looked up at him and raised your eyebrows.
“pretty amazing,” jay smirked and gave your ass a light squeeze. you snorted at that and slapped jay lightly on his arm. jay's smirk only widened as he leaned in closer to your ear.
“y/n,” he whispered, “i wanna eat you out.”
a shiver ran through you as you closed your eyes and bit your lip. you wouldn’t deny that the offer was very tempting, especially because lately your work schedules had been so hectic you used every bit of free time to just catch up on sleep, but nothing would change the fact that you were in public and leaving the party soon.
“jay, you know we can’t.”
jay whined and went back to nosing your jawline, stopping occasionally to press a small kiss to your face. you exhaled slowly, gathering all your willpower to push jay gently away from you. jay gave in and pulled his face away but tightened his grip around your waist.
“i didn’t even get my new year’s kiss yet, can i at least get that,” jay started pouting and tried to emphasize his unhappiness by stomping his foot, which only resulted in him losing his balance and almost falling and pulling you with him. you couldn’t help but grin at the sight. you glanced quickly at your friends over jay's shoulder. no one was paying you any attention.
“alright, just come with me”, you said in a hushed tone, grabbing jay's wrist from behind your back and starting to lead him through the crowds. jay didn’t question you, only followed you pliantly for a few minutes before you reached a secluded corridor. you quickly scanned your surroundings before turning to jay.
“just a few kisses, okay? we don’t have much time, we’re leaving soon,” you reminded jay while pulling him closer from the collar of his shirt. a sly smirk overtook jay's face.
“sure, baby,” he said before pressing you into the nearest wall. it became quite obvious to you in the next seconds that this was not about to be just a few kisses.
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no-144444 · 4 months ago
first dinners- o.piastri
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summary: being jack wolff's nanny is a pretty sick gig... only when your boss (/ father figure) isn't trying to interrogate your new boyfriend.
pairing: oscar piastri x fem! reader
part one | part two | part three
smut so mdni pls! 18+
Las Vegas rolled around and you two had been texting back and forth and had even gotten a coffee together. He really liked you. You really liked him. As the paddock filled with people, and all eyes were on the battle between Norris and Verstappen, Oscar sneaking glances at the Mercedes garage went almost unnoticed by the media. He won the race with a 20 second gap from his adoptive father, with both Lando and Max having their races ruined by an accidental oversteer on Max’s end meaning that Lando was down in P5 after having to get his front wing replaced, while Max got taken out by the damage, meaning the championship battle was technically still on.
Oscar finally found you as you stood beside Jack, watching as George lifted his trophy. Oscar sent you a wink to which you smiled and waved, taking some sweet photos of him being celebrated. 
When he texted you to come to his hotel room, never did he ever think you’d be sucking his dick as a congratulations. For being a virgin, you were mentally experienced, or something. There he sat, on the bed, your head between his legs as his brain short-circuited at the way you were sucking him off. 
“Fuck,” he grunted, desperately trying to keep his hands to himself as he slowly lost control of his body. The mix of your mouth around his cock, the sound of you actually gagging on him, and your nails digging into his thigh made him want to cum right then and there, but he held off as long as he could, not wanting to end the night prematurely. “I’m gonna-fuck- I’m gonna-!”
And he came in your mouth. And you swallowed it. He looked down at you, a sultry smirk on your lips and he could’ve cum again. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
You giggled. “Is that because I just sucked your dick?”
“N-no! I mean-” he stopped talking because you started laughing again.
“I’m kidding,” you smiled. “Thank you Oscar.”
He smiled, then pressed his lips to yours, pulling you closer to him. “Can I eat you out?” he mumbled between kisses. 
You were taken aback, someone so shy and reserved happily asking you something so crude out of nowhere. “Y-yeah.”
“Yeah?” he looked at you through hooded eyes. 
“Fucking beautiful,” he smirked, lifting you up easily as he lay back (for someone so skinny, he really was strong) and sat you straddling his face. “Y’gonna ride my face?” His hands gripped onto your ass, almost bruising as you whimpered at his nose meeting with your clit. 
You didn’t answer, much too shocked and excited to speak. 
He slapped your ass and it made you lurch forward, grinding against his nose. You moaned out. “Yes! Y-yes Osc!”
“Good girl,” he smirked, and then dove in. 
When you woke up with his arms around you and a sore but satisfied feeling between your legs, you smiled. 
“Morning baby,” he smiled, noticing how you were finally opening your eyes. 
“Hey,” you grinned, stretching. 
“I hope you don’t think I called you here last night just to have sex with you, I really like you and I have for a long time and-” 
“Oscar, I’m the one that asked to suck your dick, you’re the one who asked me to sit on your face, we both knew what we were doing.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess,” he took a deep breath. “So can I be your boyfriend?”
You smiled. “Yeah, you can.”
He pressed his lips to yours again.
Was Oscar scared for his life while outside of the McLaren Motorhome in the Qatar paddock? Yes, very much so. Was he even more scared when George texted him, asking him to dinner with Toto, Susie, Jack, you, Lewis, and him? Yes, very much so. 
He was terrified as he walked into the restaurant, a bunch of flowers in his hand, and his shirt was ironed. Oscar Jack Piastri had ironed his shirt. His mom would’ve been proud. When he saw Toto at a table for two, his face fell deeper into an expression of misery, and he somehow stopped himself from turning tail and running. 
“Oscar!” Toto cheered, smiling like the Cheshire cat. “Come sit!”
He was being overly nice, but it was better than the other option, total and utter intimidation. “Hi Toto.”
He sat across from him, shaking his hand and placing the flowers beside him. 
“The others will be here in a while,” Toto explained. “I just wanted to chat to you one on one. Congratulations on your win, by the way.” 
Oscar nodded. “Thank you.”
“What are your intentions with Y/n?” 
Oh. Straight into it. 
“Date her?” he answered hesitantly. Toto sighed. Bad answer. 
“Y/n is a very special person, in a lot of people’s lives. I don’t want to see you hurting her because-”
“Oh my god! Toto! What the fu-hell are you doing?” you questioned, rushing over to the two of them. Oscar sighed in relief, glad that you were here to save him from Toto’s torment. “I knew you would pull something like this!”
“Ich stelle ein paar Fragen, das ist alles!” (I’m just asking some questions, that’s all) he huffed, getting up. “Es ist kein Problem, ja?” (It’s no problem, yes?) he looked at a very confused Oscar who just stood and nodded. “See! It’s fine!” 
“Toto, just let me live my own life, thank you very much. Also, I’ve known Oscar for much longer than you, and I can pick who I want to date, thank you very much,” you scoffed. You grabbed ahold of Oscar’s arm and he smiled, handing you the flowers he got you. 
“You look gorgeous,” he whispered as you two watched Susie and Toto arguing over his over-protective tendencies, with George and Lewis joining in when they arrived. 
“Thanks,” you smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I can’t believe you ironed your shirt.”
He chuckled. “Thought I’d try to make a good impression.”
“Well, Toto thinks you’re a great driver, and Susie likes you mum. Good impression made.” 
He beamed at you as you chatted with Jack (who was holding your other hand) and made jokes about the situation at hand. 
When the 7 of you finally sat at your table and the arguing stopped, pleasant conversation flowed, but then George and Lewis had their turn at interrogating Oscar.
"What's her favourite colour?" George asked.
Oscar smiled. "She doesn't have one."
"Favourite flower?" Lewis questioned.
Oscar just pointed to the bouquet of your favourite flowers he'd gotten you earlier.
"Favourite F1 driver?"
The entire table chuckled at that.
"Are we going legacy or current?" Oscar asked.
"Legacy, then current," George decided.
"Legacy; Rosberg, current, Hamilton," he smirked and the two men applauded.
"Right, good enough for me," George announced.
"If you hurt her, I'll push you off the track," Lewis smiled dangerously as he shook his hand.
"Gosh I'm so glad we live in the 1800s," you scoffed, teasing the men. They just rolled their eyes as Susie and Jack laughed at your joke.
When the end night concluded after one too many embarrassing stories about you, you walked out with Oscar’s hand in your left, and Jack’s in your right. 
“Oscar,” Jack’s small voice rang out over the voices of the other people in the group. Oscar stopped and crouched down to hear him, and you snapped a quick photo, quickly putting it in your favourites. Your two boys. “I really like you, and Y/n really likes you. Please don’t make her sad.” 
Oscar’s heart swelled at his words, getting acknowledgement from Jack? The highest honour. He nodded, smiling. “I’d never dream of it.”
Jack’s lips broke out into a smile. “Good!” and he skipped ahead and took your hand once more, Oscar following suit. 
This really was the start of something great.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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capricornlevi · 5 months ago
(nsfw, mdni)
toji is many things, but he's not a romantic -- and he's never claimed to be such a thing. he told you as much the night you met, a mere thirty minutes before you both fumbled your way inside your apartment and he went down on you on your tiny ikea loveseat.
you were fine with it, truthfully. you work eighty hour weeks and don't have time for a consistent sleep schedule, much less a boyfriend, and so this arrangement is honestly the best thing you could've asked for.
when you have an evening free and you're not in the mood to spend it alone, you just send him a text about ten words long. then, toji replies with an even shorter answer, and within the hour, you're grinding on his thick muscular thighs like your life depends on it.
so it confuses you when toji starts to assume the doggy position during hookups -- only doggy, and nothing else -- fucking you from behind as if to avoid meeting your eye. he never initiates a kiss, letting you take the lead in that regard. he even cuts the pre-sex smalltalk short, offering monosyllabic answers, if any at all, to your polite and friendly questions.
is he ... mad at you? you've never even shared a full conversation, so you're not sure you've even done anything to anger him.
but tonight, with toji's hips pressed flat against your ass as his thrusts start to become messy and uneven, he lets his inner thoughts slip.
"so fuckin' pretty, you know that?" he mumbles, each syllable laden with a lust you've never heard before. "so pretty it pisses me off, fucks with my head a bit ... in a good way, i guess. makes me fuckin' finish too quick, though, y'know that?"
a particularly deep thrust has you gasping into your pillow. when your breathing evens back out, you decide to call his bluff; peering over your shoulder, you see him looking at you with a gaze so reverent it tells you he's being truthful.
"even just talkin' to you, seein' you when i walk in ... it gets me so hard that it fuckin' hurts. i get hard just thinkin' about this ..." he trails off, shaking his head as if disbelieving. he keeps fucking you, keeps his firm grip on your hips as he pulls you back up onto him, but it's as if his facade his cracking, his internal monologue spilling out. "you call and i come runnin', at your beck and call, but i wouldn't change a goddamn thing," another pause for him to groan against gritted teeth, "...think i might be fucked ... think i want this more than --"
snapping back into his senses, he trails off and picks up his pace; it's not long before his name is spilling from your lips as you tip over the edge, and his front cracks again as he finishes deep inside.
"so, so, so good for me. just fuckin' perfect for me. want to make you m -- want to do this forever, fuckin' you like you deserved to be fucked."
his movements slow and, just as your heartrate returns to normal, you hear him once again, far clearer, more lucid and intelligible this time:
"so fuckin' perfect for me."
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ravenslvt · 1 year ago
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☆ ryomen sukuna x f!reader ☆
cw: college au! smut! rough! degration! drabble
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first thing you thought when you saw this man:
‘oh. i wanna fuck him.’
the way he acted like he absolutely hated you, always hiding a smirk when he caught you staring at him. his arms, his face, his muscles, his fucking tattoos.
“jesus. stop staring at him like that.” megumi would groan at the sight of you oogling the man. you’d blink up at him. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
your mind went crazy at night thinking about him. picturing him relentlessly pounding into you until you’re crying. a strong hand around your little throat.
don’t get started on his voice. the way he’d casually degrade you made your legs quiver.
“what the fuck are you looking at?”
the way you’d go over to him and yuji’s shared apartment just to hear him go “why the fuck is this bitch here?”
oh you loved it. and he knew it too.
that’s why when you stayed on yuji’s couch after a night of drinking, you casually thumbed at your phone, sending drunken misspelled texts to your friends.
‘hed so ficking hot giys’
‘seroudly i bet his duck is huuuuge’
your insistent typing got interrupted by a sudden groan behind you.
“why the fuck are you here?” sukuna stood behind the couch, looking over your shoulder. you quickly shut your phone off, turning to him.
your eyes almost popped out of your head at the sight of his shirtless chest.
you hadn’t even changed out of your bar clothes yet, still in a short little skirt and a low cut top. you don’t miss the way his eyes drop to your attire.
“dressed like a slut too. are you begging to be fucked or something?” he scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. your cheeks heat, looking away from him.
“no… just didn’t bring extra clothes” your thighs clench together to calm the heat from down there.
he hums, walking to the fridge for some water.
“and i’m not a slut!” you work up the courage stand, to practically yell at him, despite how weak your voice sounded. this makes him turn around.
“really? you sure look the part.” he chuckles.
“fuck you.” you spit out at him, making him smirk.
“you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” he quirks his head, eyes raking over your now standing form. the way your skirt hiked up just above your thighs.
okay, you were fucked.
“fuck! s’too much.” you mewl into the cushion of the couch, sukuna’s big veiny cock pounding into your tight little cunt. his hands gripping tightly at your hips, his pelvis meeting your ass with a loud clap at every thrust.
“you wanted this, didn’t you?” he laughs at your cries, his tip kissing your cervix every time he enters you, fucking you from behind.
he leans closer to your ear, his consistent deep trusts along with your moans were the only thing that filled the silence of the living room.
“runnin’ that fucking mouth and can’t even take dick.” he growls, grabbing your wrists and pulling you back to bring your bare back against his chest. you were covered in a thin layer of sweat, panting, all while he still had his full stamina, fucking into you ruthlessly.
you were embarrassed by the sheer wetness of your cunt, how the squelching noises proved how insanely bad you wanted him.
you whine when he lets go of your wrists, bringing his free hand to your throat, pressing you against him. using his other arm to wrap around your middle to hold you in place while he pumps into you.
“s’kuna!” you cry out, tits bouncing with every thrust. it was borderline painful the pace he was fucking you, but you loved it. you craved it. you spent countless nights fucking your little fingers imagining it was him.
“your pussy’s suckin’ me in like a fuckin' slut. thought you said you weren’t one? guess you’re a liar too.” he chuckles, hand tightening around your neck, partially cutting off your airflow. your hands go to reach behind you to tug at his hair, but he stops you.
“don’t fucking touch me.” he seethes, your cunt uncontrollably squeezing around him from the degration, making him groan and roll his head back.
“fuckk, you like that don’t you? so pathetic. suckin’ me in so well, though.” he grunts out between each thrust. you were so close, and he could sense it.
“g’nna cum.” you whine, hands gripping the edge of the couch.
“no, you’re fucking not.” he lets go of you, your upper body falling back onto the cushion below. you let out an exasperated scream when he suddenly pulls out of you completely. you crane your head back as far as you could to look back at him. he just has a smug ass smirk on his face.
“want you to beg for it.”
your mouth falls agape for a moment, but immediately closes.
“p-please, wanna cum so bad!” you try grinding back into him, but he holds you steady.
“surely you can do better than that, baby” his hand comes down to place a firm smack on your ass, making your eyes squint closed for a moment. you huff, pouting up at him.
“need your cock so badly, sukuna! p-please let me cum i need it!” you pathetically plead. you could feel the way you clenched around absolutely nothing, missing the presence of him inside of you.
“that’s more like it.” he quickly presses the fat head of his cock to your entrance, slowly easing in, stretching you out all over again.
“my own personal slut" he groans, feeling you clench around him.
his pace is even more brutal than before, his dick easily finding your sweet spot and hitting it over and over until you were practically drooling on the couch. his eyes glued to where you two meet, a ring of white around his cock.
your nails dig into the cushions below you, heat pooling in your lower abdomen. you were probably tearing the poor fabric apart at this point.
his fingers grip at your hips, pushing you up and down his cock. you were sure he was holding you so tight there will be bruises the next day.
suddenly his pace gets faster and sloppier, his cock pulsing inside of you. you bite your lip to prevent yourself from screaming out, feeling blood bloom from where your teeth meet your lip.
“gonna let me cum inside? be my little fuck toy i can do anything i please with?” he pants out, groaning at the way you clench around him.
“yes! yes, please do! o-oh my god!” your vision goes hazy as you cum around him, milking his cock fully as he follows suit, pumping his cum deep inside your weeping cunt.
you were pretty sure you blacked out for a second.
you collapse on your shaky arms, trying to move away from his unending thrusts. he pulls you back with a growl.
“the fuck are you going? we’re not done.” he starts back up again.
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fakebwitch · 5 months ago
need a part two of the panties in the car where he comes home and confronts y/n and she’s all like huhhh? 👀🤭
rafe punish you after finding your panties in his car [rafe x fem!reader]
part one
a/n: ookayyy i just had to write about this cause i can imagine her being so clueless about it while he's been going crazy all day, and then ofc he’s going to punish her. thank you for giving me this inspo, hope you’ll enjoy it!!!
warnings: nswf contents, begging, oral, pnv, praising, spanking, chocking, dirty language.
throughout the rest of the day rafe's head was elsewhere. during the meeting he was distracted all the time, muttering a few "mhm" now and then and a few nods, staring at a fixed point while his head kept thinking about you. when the meeting was finally over over, rafe stood up quickly almost running as he left the office.
the drive home was not very smooth, cursing all the red lights that kept him away from you. arriving at your house he absentmindedly parked the car, hurrying to get out of it, he inserted the keys in the lock opening the door, as he expected you were not there waiting for him, he knew it was all part of your plan. passing through the living room he saw you were not even there, he sighed as he walked up the stairs leading to your room, his cock twitching in his pants, eager to be inside you.
he walked into your room, the door was open, and he saw you. you were lying on the bed on your stomach, your phone in your hands scrolling on tiktok while your feet were up, swinging from side to side to the beat of the song. his eyes fell on your thighs, the plump of your ass visible to his eyes because of the little skirt.
“hey” he said, short but etched. you turned your head toward him, a smile grew on your face as your eyes softened, “hi baby” you said turning your back, supporting you with your elbows, his face didn't look very enthusiastic.
just as you were about to ask him how the day went, he interrupted you. “what was that about?” he asked, approaching you, taking a few steps closer to the bed, his voice low almost threatening and for a second you forgot about the little surprise you had left in his car the previous day.
“what?” you answered naively as you looked down at him, blinking your long lashes. “don't fucking act dumb, why the fuck where your panties in my car?” he said much more pissed off this time, no longer able to contain himself, his knees were now touching the bed and your view was perfectly aligned with his cock.
“oh- umh they were simply a little itchy so I decided to take them off, I guess I forgot about them...” you replied shrugging as you looked around, in his eyes you were clearly teasing him.
as much as he hated it, your attitude only hardened his cock, he sighed again as he ran a hand over his face. “you wanna know what else is itchy? my fucking dick from the moment that i get in the car this morning to the whole fucking day,” he confessed as he pointed his finger at you, you couldn't help but bite your lip as you felt your pussy clench around nothing, hearing the kind of effect you had on him just with your panties.
“sit your ass here” he said as he sat down on the bed, patting his tight. you watched him for a few seconds, you knew what he had in mind at that moment, “fucking move” he said irritably, pulling you toward him by the ankle. you settled so that your belly was in contact with his thighs, your ass in full view for his eyes.
he lifted your skirt all the way up, almost drooling as he looked down at your ass hugged by pink panties. your hands were already clutching the fabric of the sheets underneath you, closing your eyes waiting for rafe to hit you. he groped your ass for a few seconds, squeezing the soft skin in his big hands, and then suddenly a slap, you squinted as your teeth dug into your lips.
“count for me doll” he told you almost in a whisper, his deep, rough voice almost made you moan, “one” you said as his other hand moved on the low of your back, making sure to held you back in your seat. his hand squeezed the fat of your thighs, just below your ass, “thought it could've been a good idea to put your panties in the car uh? always find a way to get me mad” he said, in the process another slap landed on your ass, he looked carefully at the way your ass jiggled, the halo of his hand mark barely visible.
“two” you said squeezing the fabric tighter.
he massaged the newly affected area, slightly alleviating the pain, “got me jerkin off like a fucking kid, that's what you wanted don't you?” he confessed to you as his hand hit your ass again, you hissed pressing your head into the soft sheets, the pain you just felt mixed with your throbbing clit, the idea of him jerking off on you using your panties and the fact that right now his hard cock was right under your pussy, wasn't helping at all.
“three” you said, your voice muffled by the sheets.
he kept complaining as two hard slaps hit you, your skin now marked by the imprint of his hands, “shit” you let slip, feeling your skin burn as your vision blurred. he grabbed the newly affected skin tightly, “ouch rafe-” you whimpered through clenched teeth trying to get up, but the hand he had on your back slammed you back down on the bed, your face met the soft fabric again as a tear ran down your cheeks, once it reached your lips you licked it, savoring the salty taste.
“nah you're not running, you're gonna take it all” he said grabbing your hair, pushing your head back, the perfect opportunity for another slap. “rafeee... it hurts” you whined clinging to the sheets, you didn't remember it hurting so much.
“shh it's alright baby, you're taking it sooo good” he praised you, his voice low and deep, his palm stroking your irritated skin.
“how many is that?”
“6” you replied, another tear streaked your face. “only four more baby, you can do that right?” he said almost teasing you, letting go of his grip on your hair, bringing his hand back to your back.
when he got to the tenth he decided it was enough, his hand now gently massaging the soft skin of your ass trying to ease the pain, your cheeks streaked with salty tears as you felt your skin burn, the imprint of his hand well scanned on your ass. he helped you up, you sat up on your knees finally meeting his gaze. your mascara slightly smudged from the way your face was splattered against the sheets, your cheeks flushed, your hair messy and your lips swollen from how hard you were biting them, his cock hardened at the sight of how perfect you looked.
one last remaining tear slid down your entire cheek ending up under your chin, rafe was quick to brush it away with his thumb as his hand gently came in contact with your neck, “shh baby it's all over” he shushed you, pushing your face to his as your lips finally collided with his.
the kiss quickly became more intense, your hands on the nape of his neck pushing him toward you as his hand groped your tits violently from above your top. a small moan escaped him as you brought your hand down toward his polo shirt, letting him know that he should take it off, he was more than happy to oblige by slipping it off and tossing it somewhere in the room.
you resumed the kiss as your hand wandered over his toned pecs, moving down to his abs, you heard small sounds leave his lips as your delicate fingers brushed against his skin. you traced his happy trail going down a little further, grabbing his cock through his pants, he let out a choked moan breaking the kiss. he took your hand and moved it away, "y’want it that bad, isn't that right?" he mocked you, you nodded quickly, his hand still tight on your wrist with a small grin, "lie down."
you did as he said, you lay down opening your legs so he could settle between them, a small whimper escaped your lips as your flushed ass came in contact with the fabric underneath. rafe positioned himself between your legs, his hands rested on either side of your head, he lowered his head kissing you as his right hand helped you slip off your top. he broke the kiss, kissing down to your jaw, up to your neck, you bit your lip holding back a moan feeling his hot breath just below your ear. he lingered there for a few seconds then moved the kisses lower, as his hand groped the other breast his mouth latched onto your nipple, sucking it fervently. he gave the other the same attention, licking and sucking as little moans escaped your lips.
"you gonna let me taste baby?" he whispered as his kisses moved to your stomach making you shiver, "mhm" you hummed enjoying the feeling of his soft lips on you, "can't hear you" he scolded you as he lifted up your skirt, "want your mouth on me" you whimpered meeting his gaze, his eyes full of lust. your clit throbbing under the fabric of your panties, at the thought of his warm breath on your pussy, making you shiver.
all day long he had been thinking about having his head between your thighs, licking you clean. It was probably one of his favorite things, eating your pussy while your thighs suffocated him, your moisture spread all over his chin while continuous moans came out of your lips.
"we're gonna keep these on, right? think you've already lost too much pairs mhm?" he said, the vibrations of his voice hit directly your pussy as you felt it clench around nothing. he put a hand under your thigh pushing you closer to his face, his eyes noticed the small wet spot visible on your panties, a smirk grew on his face at the sight.
with his index finger he moved the garment to the side, your wet pussy in perfect view for his hungry eyes, without warning he licked a long strip, up to your clit, which begged for attention. you let out a moan feeling his tongue explore your folds, you raised your hips meeting his face, eager for more. his tongue lingered for a few seconds on your entrance, "fuuuck rafe" you moaned as your head fell back pushing his head closer to your pussy with your hand, his nose slammed against your clit.
he knew just what you wanted, and within seconds he began to suck fiercely on your bundle of nerves. the way his tongue felt on your pussy, his hot breath, his hands clinging firmly to your thighs almost leaving bruises just worked you up even more. "baby- soo good" you praised him, as he kept sucking and licking, practically making out with your pussy.
you kept moaning feeling overwhelmed by pleasure, your hands tightened the sheet below while your toes curled, feeling a familiar knot forming in the lower abdomen. “i-i’m cum-” you didn’t even get to finish the sentence as rafe get away from you pussy, leaving you clenching around nothing and unsatisfied, if there’s one thing you hated was when your orgasm was interrupted, rafe knew that real well. “baby wha-why?” you whined as you stood up supporting yourself with your elbows, your expression wrinkled, face slightly flushed as you looked up at him, his face coated with your wetness, he scooped it all up with his index and middle fingers sticking them in his mouth, sucking them clean. he couldn't get enough of your taste.
“as much as i love tasting you, i fucking need to be inside you” he said quickly unbuckling his belt, you bit your lip at the thought of his cock moving fast inside you, your pussy already clenching. he lowered his pants along with his underwear, his hard cock that all day long kept bothering him finally free.
he wrapped his hand around his dick, there was no need to spit since the small drops of pre cum had spread along the entire length, he began to rub slowly at the sight of your wet pussy in front of him, your fucked face and your hard nipples, he dropped his head back emitting small sounds of pleasure. as much as you loved the erotic view in front of you, the way his arm muscles flexed with every movement, his body covered with a small layer of sweat and his mouth open with pleasure, you needed him inside you.
“rafey need you inside so bad” you practically begged him, looking at him from below with your best eyes. your clit still throbbing from the orgasm you had been denied, praying that someone would pay attention to it. you almost cried feeling so in need of cum, and rafe didn’t seem to care enough.
“i got you doll” he said simply, returning his gaze to you. he pulled you even more towards him by the leg, you quickly wrapped your legs around him and his tip hit against your clit, you both let out a moan at the sensation. he grabbed the tip of his cock rubbing it all over your pussy.
“don’t tease” you complained, becoming more and more impatient as rafe continued to tease you. what you didn’t know is that he wanted it as much as you, if not more. his cock had desired your pussy all day, throbbing in his pants and all he wanted was to sink every inch of his length into your hot and tight hole, but at the same time he loved to see you equally desperate, eager for his cock inside you while you looked at him with your eyes, which pushed him to the edge every time, begging him to fuck you, that you needed him, to feel him, he simply loved it.
“don’t tease?” he repeated chuckling darkly, “then what did y’do with me baby, uh? c’mon tell me” he encouraged you, his swollen tip was still pressing against your clit, “I...” you started to say but too embarrassed to continue, under his stinging gaze you almost wanted to disappear.“don’t get shy on me now pretty girl, say it” he said wrapping his hand around his cock again, pushing the tip slightly inside your entrance, he could feel the heat of your walls as your pussy was ready to receive it.
“uuuuh…-i’ve been bad rafe, i teased you with my panties” you said sighing, a small part of his tip inside you, squeezing him already so well that it was difficult for rafe to restrain himself from hammering inside you. “yeah that’s right baby, now what y’want me to do?” he said trying to control himself, but his almost trembling voice betrayed him, “fuuuck i want you to fuck so bad, please rafe” you begged, there was no more room for shyness, the only thing in your head was his dick, and how much you wanted it inside you.
“that’s a good girl” he praised you, the tip of his cock completely entering your tight hole, he lingered for a few seconds enjoying the sensation of your tight pussy around him, your mouth open and your face frowning while his cock pushed deeper inside you. “fuck baby, just squeezing me tight… so nice and warm” he said, his cock completely inside you. the walls of your pussy stretched accepting the new intrusion as you could feel every single vein on his cock pulsating inside you.
“oh fuck rafe” you breathed feeling so full, he gave you little time to adapt to its length, quickly finding his rhythm pushing deep inside you.
while with one hand he squeezed your leg firmly, the other hand tightened around your breasts, clinging to it. your hands tightened to the sheet while rafe began to push himself hard inside you. the sound of his body slamming against yours every time he pushed himself inside you and the wet sound that his cock emitted when he entered and left your hole filled the room.
he pinched your nipple, you moaned as rafe could feel your pussy tighten around him, “so tight doll, i can barely move” he said as your pussy sucked him inside. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your teeth sank strongly into the soft skin of your lips trying to hold back the loud moans that threatened to come out, the tip of his cock repeatedly hit the right point making you arch your back.
you opened your eyes suddenly, feeling his hand wrap around your neck, applying enough pressure to make you whine. “keep your eyes on me” he incited you, his own voice sounded weak. you looked at him with narrowed eyes, barely focusing on the words that came out of his mouth, the pressure of his hand on your neck and his cock that continued to throb inside you were enough to make your head dizzy.
rafe lowered his head towards yours, his mouth rested on yours giving life to an intense kiss, your tongues collided in a messy way. while you kissed him you could hear small grunts escape his lips, your hand moved towards his face resting on his cheek, pushing his face towards yours.
“say you’re sorry for t-teasing me” he said, his voice interrupted by a grunt while his tip repeatedly hit your spongy spot, you had barely understood what he had said to you, overwhelmed with pleasure. you opened your mouth to answer but only a moan came out.
rafe moved his rough thumb towards your swollen clit, rubbing quickly. an almost pornographic moan came out of your lips, feeling all those pleasures at the same time, “c’mon you can say it” he encouraged you, his thumb moved as fast as his thrusts inside your hole. “i’m sorry, so sorry rafe!” you managed to say, your words were slurred as you wrapped your hand around the wrist of his hand, still firmly around your neck. rafe couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your euphoric state, completely fucked up.
“that’s what you wanted uh? me to fuck the shit outta you” he said almost mocking you, you nodded quickly in response, there was no way you could form a sentence of complete meaning at that moment.
“could’ve said it to me, y’know i would’ve given it to you” he almost scolded you, his words sounded far away, the only thing you could hear was the slamming of your bodies, his cock throbbing inside you.
“thaaat’s it… so good for me” he praised you, he looked down where his cock connected to your pussy, a ring of cum coming from your pussy forming around his cock, “f-fuuuck” that’s all he managed to say at that sight, his head fell back while a grunt came out of his lips.
your curled your feet feeling a familiar knot form in your stomach, “d-don’t stop... please” you begged him almost on the edge of crying, your eyes glossy as you looked at him, your hand clung to his biceps firmly, your nails digging into his skin. you couldn’t stand the feeling of another denied orgasm. “go on doll, make a mess on me” he encouraged you, his voice reassured you, he lowered his head again so that his mouth was a few centimeters from your ear. his thrusts became deeper and faster helping you reach your high, your brows frowned and your mouth open, fully enjoying the feeling of his cock that entered inside you with such ease because of your wetness.
“i’m close… p-pleaseee” you whined raising your hips, meeting his thrusts. you could hear his grunts, his hoarse voice sending chills all over your body. “sooo good” you said, your voice sharp while your head was completely dizzy, the knot in your stomach getting heavier and more persistent.
“holy shiiit baby, c’mon… c-cum all over my dick” his thumb worked quickly on your clit, he left sloppy kisses all over your jaw, going down towards the neck as with a big moan you finally reached your orgasm. your body trembled as your hand tightened even more around his biceps, your moans sounded choked because of his hand still tight around your neck. his thumb on your clit slowed down applying a slight pressure while his thrusts became slow and deep, he too was reaching his high.
you felt overwhelmed by a sudden sleepiness, your grip on his biceps loosened, the marks left by your nails clearly visible. you let rafe continue to use your hole to reach his climax. “thaaat’s it, such a good girl” he praised you, his grip on your neck had loosened, moving on your thigh.
“i want your cum in me, rafe” you said, your voice dim and kneaded as you opened your eyes to look at him, “fuck that’s right, g-gonna fill you up” he said nodding, your pussy tightened around him, “k-keep doing that… fuuuck” he said enjoying the feeling, you did as requested. you felt his hot liquid spread inside you, mixing with your cum, you left a little whining at the sensation, still overstimulated by the orgasm you just had, “s-shiiit, that’s fucking it” he said, he kept pushing himself inside you for a few seconds and then pulled out, he picked up the cum that had leaked with his fingers, putting it back in your hole, “we’re not gonna waste any of it right?” he said with his usual grin, falling next to you on the bed.
“noo… all in me” you agreed with him, your mind still dizzy as rafe pushed you into his arms, your head came in contact with his chest as you quickly curled up in his embrace.
“you’re good princess, did so good” he said chuckling at your fucked-up state, kissing your head.
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hoshifighting · 5 months ago
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WARNINGS: fluff, smut, fame problems, paris trip, idol!reader is a sweetheart with her staff team, teasing, hair pulling, makeup smudging hair destroying sex, face slap, paris sex.
staff!jeonghan who started way back when your career was just taking off. you were still fresh, the kind of new that had people curious but not quite sold on the idea of you making it long term. jeonghan wasn’t even supposed to be sticking around. dude was just a freelancer, floating between gigs like it was nothing. hairdresser one week, stylist the next, maybe even photographer’s assistant if he felt like it. didn’t care much either—just did his job, got his check, and dipped.
he was there the first time you came in for a shoot, thinking, oh, here we go again, another idol who doesn’t know shit about shit, and probably treats their staff like trash. honestly, he didn’t expect anything from you. he had his walls up like crazy. you’d been doing this for, what, a hot minute? and you were already getting attention, which just made him think, “yep, this one’s probably the snobby kind. won’t even acknowledge us when she’s walking by.”
but then you went and did the most surprising thing—like blew his expectations out of the water kinda surprise. you saw him—no, not just like saw him, but like saw him. took a minute to actually chat. asked how his day was, if he needed anything while he was running around fixing the stage lights or whatever. you even remembered his name by the end of the first day, which? yeah, idols usually don’t bother with that.
fast forward a couple months, and jeonghan’s still hanging around. he didn’t plan to stay, but something about you changed that. it wasn’t even the work, really. it was more like you made things different for the whole staff—hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists, all of them. you had this habit of, like, breaking all the usual rules. you’d bring coffee for everyone in the morning, none of that half-assed, "just for my personal team" bullshit, you made sure everyone was taken care of, because they take care of you as welll.
then there was that time when you randomly called up your manager one day like, "hey, i’m taking everyone out to eat after the shoot." and jeonghan was standing there, trying not to look too surprised, but inside he was like, who the hell does that? especially in this industry where staff usually gets a handshake and a “thanks for your work” at most. while you’re out here throwing cash around to make sure your team is happy. it’s wild.
he remembers the first time you handed out those holiday bonuses. it wasn’t even from the company’s budget either; it was straight up from your own wallet. like, your money. you didn’t even make a big deal about it, just casually handed out envelopes and said, “merry christmas, you guys.” you should’ve seen their faces—everyone was shook, even him, and he doesn’t get surprised that easily. it was one of those moments where the room just, like, collectively inhaled. there was silence, and then someone—probably one of the stylists—goes, “y/n, this is... you didn’t have to...”
and you? you just shrugged, all casual, like it was no big deal. “nah, i wanted to. thank you for taking care of me, you make part of all of this too.” you pointed to the stage.
jeonghan couldn’t even look at you right for a second because it was, like, damn, okay, she’s for real. that was the moment he decided he wasn’t just gonna treat this gig like all the others. working with you? yeah, it felt different. and not in some sappy, fairytale shit kind of way, but in a “maybe there are still people in this industry who aren’t complete assholes” kind of way.
“so you’re sticking around, hannie?” you asked him one day, catching him off guard while he was fixing up your jacket right before a stage performance.
he smirked, his usual cocky, nonchalant self, but there was something softer underneath it. “guess i don’t have a choice. you make it too easy.”
he was your go-to guy now, the one you trusted with everything, from making sure your hair wasn’t fucked up during press tours to giving you a reality check when you were stressing over the dumbest things. and he liked that. he liked being the one you leaned on when you didn’t wanna bother anyone else.
but it was more than that too. you were just different. the way you treated people, the way you made sure everyone around you felt seen, felt valued? it wasn’t fake. it wasn’t for show. it was you. and jeonghan? well, he wasn’t the kind of guy to stick around just for anyone. but for you? yeah, maybe he’d go the long haul.
jeonghan was always there, like a constant shadow that somehow made everything feel lighter instead of heavier. as your career blew up, he didn’t just keep pace—he matched your energy, your needs, every twist and turn that came with your fame. whether it was press tours, backstage chaos, or those ridiculous interviews where some clueless host would try to push your boundaries, he was always ready.
you’d be in the middle of a tv show, mind racing, and then there’d be a subtle shift. jeonghan standing just offstage, watching with a sharp, gaze of his. and it wasn’t like he had to do much—sometimes just a look was enough to let you know he had your back. like that time they tried to switch up your routine last minute, making changes that didn’t sit right with you. you didn’t even need to speak up, though. before you could say a word, he was already stepping in, throwing that effortless, yet somehow intimidating smile toward the team. “nah, we’re sticking with the original plan. my artist doesn’t do changes without notice.”
“your artist,” you’d hear him say that a lot, like a protective label stamped right over you, like you belonged to him—not in a possessive way, but in a way that made you feel safe. secure.
it wasn’t just about the work either, not even close. jeonghan made the loneliness that came with fame feel less suffocating. that part of fame nobody talks about—the part where you can’t make real friends anymore, where every new person in your life feels temporary, transactional. except him. he was loyal.
when you had those long, grueling days full of photoshoots and interviews and events, and all you wanted was to escape, jeonghan was the one who made sure you still had a piece of normal.
like that one time in paris. you were there for a fashion show, sitting front row with all these industry giants who couldn’t care less about anything but themselves, and jeonghan was right beside you, but afterward, when it was just the two of you, he was the one who dragged you to some random hole-in-the-wall restaurant down the street, far from all the cameras and flashing lights, ordering too much food and laughing at how terrible your french was.
“you know, you’re lucky you’ve got me,” he teased, watching you struggle with the menu. “otherwise, you’d be stuck ordering water and bread for the rest of the trip.”
you elbowed him playfully. “i’m just trying to be cultured, okay?”
“sure, sure,” he snickered, but the grin on his face was soft, like he was glad to be there with you. “leave the culture to me.”
he was there on the quieter days too. you’d be at home, no schedule to follow for once, just free. but that freedom? it felt empty when you didn’t have anyone to share it with. jeonghan got that. he’d show up at your place without even needing an invitation, like he just knew when you needed him there. sometimes he wouldn’t even knock. you’d just hear the door click open and his familiar voice, “you better not be working in there.”
you’d laugh, shouting back from wherever you were in the apartment, “i’m not, calm down.”
next thing you knew, he’d be on the floor of your pristine living room, surrounded by lego pieces because, for some reason, that’s what the two of you did on your days off. it was ridiculous, really, two adults crouched over colorful plastic blocks, but it made you feel like a kid again, like before everything got so complicated.
you’d crouch down next to him, watching his hands move, and without thinking, you’d wrap your arms around him from behind, pressing your cheek against his shoulder. it wasn’t even romaaaantic, more like instinct. jeonghan had this way of making you feel safe, like you didn’t have to be the perfect version of yourself all the time. you could just be you. and hugging him like that, clinging onto him like a koala, it was the only way you knew how to show him just how much he meant to you.
“you’re clingy today,” he murmured, but there was no complaint in his voice, just that familiar teasing.
“you’re soft,” you shot back, squeezing him tighter, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. his cologne was subtle but always the same, something that reminded you of quiet, peaceful moments, like this.
he tilted his head a little, catching your eyes “oh, yeah? not what you said last time.”
you puffed your cheeks out, crossing your arms dramatically, the sulk settling in. “i’m done being clingy with you, jeonghan.”
he grinned like he was waiting for that exact reaction. it’s almost like he lived for these moments—when you’d pout and try to act all tough, but really? he knew exactly where this was headed. you weren’t fooling anyone, especially not him.
“oh yeah?” he tilted his head, gaze dripping with amusement as he leaned in, close enough that his breath brushed your ear. “you sure about that?”
you tried to hold firm, but the way his voice dropped a little lower, teasing. you shifted your weight, crossing your legs under you on the living room floor, avoiding eye contact. “mmhmm. you’ll see.”
jeonghan let out a soft chuckle, leaning back and watching you with a glint in his eyes, like he was just waiting for you to crack. “you’re too cute when you sulk, y’know that?”
your heart fluttered, but you bit down on the inside of your cheek, determined to keep up the act. “whatever.”
he moved closer, a hand sliding around your waist, tugging you just enough so that your body leaned into his. “nah, don’t pout, baby,” he murmured, lips brushing lightly against your jaw. “we both know how this ends.”
and he was right. because, every time you tried to act like you were done with him, like you were going to keep your distance, it only ended one way—with you wet underneath him, a needy mess, begging for more.
like that first time in paris. paris had done something to the both of you. it was supposed to be a normal night, just you and him hanging out after the fashion show. nothing special, just another city on the endless list of places you’d been together. but somehow, that night went different. the second the hotel room door clicked shut behind you, you’d scarcely made it through the door before his hands were on you, grabbing, pulling, claiming.
“thought you were gonna keep your distance,” jeonghan had teased as he pressed you up against the wall, his lips trailing down your neck, making your knees weak.
you were already panting, feeling the warmness of him beaming off his body. “shut up, hannie.”
he chuckled against your skin, his tongue flicking out to taste you, making you gasp. “aww, so cute when you’re needy.”
and fuck, were you needy. by the time he’d pushed you onto the bed, tugging at your clothes, you were already whimpering for him, already soaked.
he’d dragged you to the edge, rough hands all over your body, pulling, squeezing, leaving marks everywhere. your hair had been perfect for the show, all sleek and done up, but that shit didn’t last long. the second he had his fist tangled in it, pulling your head back, it was ruined. thrusting into you from behind, his cock splitting you in half with each brutal thrust. “such a fucking mess.”
you’d tried to keep quiet, biting down on the pillow as your body rocked with every movement, but every time you let out a whiny moan, jeonghan was right there to mock you for it.
“aww, hannie’s being too harsh?” he cooed, as he tries to sound sweet. “hm? poor baby can’t take it?”
you’d only moaned louder, your body trembling as he slapped your ass, the sting making you cry out. he’d leaned down then, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, “use your words, sweetheart. tell hannie how bad you want it.”
you couldn’t even speak, just a mess of broken moans and gasps as he kept slamming into you, the sound of skin against skin echoing through the room. and just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, when you were right on the edge, that’s when he did it. his hand came up to your face, smudging the glitter from the show as he slapped you—not enough to really hurt. he is a careful guy.
“fuck, y/n, look at you. such a pretty little mess,” he groaned, his grip on your hair tightening as he pounded into you from behind, relentless. “you gonna come for me? c’mon, baby, let me hear it.”
you whimpered, nodding, your mind spinning as his cock hit that perfect spot over and over, making you roll your eyes, drool, everything u had right of. but just as you were about to cum, he pulled out, leaving you empty and desperate.
“aww, no no no, not yet,” jeonghan cooed, a wicked grin on his face as he turned you onto your back, pushing your legs open wide. “hannie’s not done with you.”
your heart pounded, your entire body aching for release, but you didn’t dare move. he was in control, and you knew better than to push him.
“what’s the matter, baby?” he leaned down, his lips brushing over yours as he teased you. “too much?”
you shook your head, barely able to get the words out. “n-no… please…”
his smirk widened, that wicked glint in his eyes making you shiver. “please what? gotta tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
you whimpered, your hands gripping the sheets as you looked up at him, desperate. “please… fuck me…”
“good girl.”
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quimichi · 6 months ago
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❝Since the beginning of Mondstadt they've been with me. They actually turned out to be my second guide! Which makes Paimon even more of an emergency food❞
❝Whaa-Paimon will pretend Paimon didn't hear that!❞
❝No really, I'm glad I found them...or rather they found me. It really wasn't much of a surprise when I-oh-I'm already talking too much again.❞
❝Traveler can go shy when he talks about his lover, hehe. STOP PULLING ME AWAY-H-HEY-!❞
❝Oh? I see, you already heard about Y/n. Well, its not a big of a surprise, they're well known here in Mondstadt. Don't worry, if you ever encounter them, dont be shy to talk to them. They have actually been a great help for my researches and experiments. ❞
❝ Y/N? Yes, what about them? Yes, we're in a relationship, and? No, I'm not mad, why? I'm asking to much questions? Could ask you that, you seem awfully interested in my partner. Passive aggressive? Pff, now you're just pretending things. ❞
❝ You'd like to know more about Y/n? What makes you think I have answers? Oh? I see, Ayaka has told you about it, well...Me and Y/n have been in a relationship for quite a while now. They're a very good support, doesn't matter what path i take or decisions I make, they always have my back. Without them I wouldn't be half the man I am right now. Satisfied with this answer? ❞
❝ The person that always helps out here is not some assistant. Don't worry, I'm sure they're not insulted. Who else are they then? Oh, my lover. Whats with that surprised look on your face? Didn't think I'd be taken? To be frank...I'm quite surprised too that I got this lucky.❞
❝ Y/n? My lucky charm? They're awesome! A loyal member in Benny's adventure team...the only one though...They go on every adventure with me! Saved my life multiple times! Bring me good furtune! And are my partner! Wow, I really lucked out for real this time.❞
❝ I'd like to keep my private life as private as possible...but for you I make an exception, just this once. Yes, Y/n is my life partner, my lover if you'd like to put it that way. I hold them very dear and would protect them with my life if i have to. So, if I ever sense any bad intentions coming from you, I will crush you with everything I've got.❞
❝ They spend last winter with me and my family. So, to show them around and make them feel more comfortable in Snezhnaya we had a little snowball fight. Y/n got hit a dozen times in the face by Teucer. They lost, obviously. But the best part was, when we went home, the slipped right before the door and fell ass first to the ground...but instead of being upset or annoyed...they laughed. I knew they we're the one right then and there.❞
❝ Oh you know Y/n? Well, I do too. You knew? Xingqiu huh?...Can't seem to keep quite sometimes...Yes, I am dating them. Saying this feels foreign...I still can't believe they chose me of all people. But I'm not too insecure about it, after all, they chose me of all people.❞
❝ Y/n is one of the few people who actually laugh at my jokes. I don’t know if its out of pity or if i truly make them laugh, but either way i don't care. As long as i see a smile on their face I'm at ease. Huh? What do you mean i sound lovesick?❞
❝ There are things that I'd rather keep private and save, including my relationship with Y/n. So I have to apo-...no, i trust you but-...You're right. Y/n and I have been in a relationship for quite a long time now. They mean a lot to me, thats why I want to keep any information about them as private as I can.❞
❝ Yes, I am in a relationship with Y/n. I guess the topic makes his rounds, huh? We announced our relationship just yesterday, but have been serious for a long time now. I am...not a public as you know. And i didn't wanted any unwanted or negative attention on both of us but i know i can trust you. Right?❞
❝ Did i ever had a lover? What an inappropriate question of you~ Of course i had lovers, but none could compare to my favorite. Have you heard of Y/n? Oh yes, they are quite popular aren't they~? Well, they're mine, all mine. So it would be better for you if you keep your hands off them. ❞
❝ Are they my friend? Uhm...no...they're a bit more than that. Uhm, yeah they're my partner. We've been together for a while now...Am i happy? Of course i am...I'm just a bit embarrassed thats all. No one has really asked me about our relationship yet except for Lyney, Lynette and father.❞
❝ You want to know about Y/n? Sure, what do you wanna know? Yes, they're my partner, in fact, we live together! They're a really caring, they make breakfast every morning, tend any injuries i have and sometimes even run me a bath...that was too intimate.❞
❝ Y/n? What do you know about them? Nothing yet but you wanna know more? Why? Interested? Why am I asking all these questions? I'm a detective, and you're interested in my lover-oops-now i ran my mouth.❞
❝ You mean the oni one for me?! The true love of my life!? THEY'RE AWESOME. I'm so incredibly lucky to have them. AND they're so incredibly lucky to have the awesome one and oni Arataki Itto as their boyfriend!❞
❝ They are currently waiting for my arrival...i cannot wait to have them in my arms again. I miss them every day...What's that book? Oh, it's just for all the poems i write for them while being away. One poem for each day. Once I'm back, i read them to them.❞
❝ Oh you mean my little snowflake? Yes, i know them quite well, i can assure you that one. Wasn't always like that though, took is a while to actually get closer. But i won't complain either way, I'm happy that we finally found each other...damn, look at all the sappy things I'm saying, they've done this to me.❞
❝ I'm still planning our house, i just cannot make it perfect! Ugh, it's really getting on my nerves. I NEED this perfect for them, I need to make this the house of their dreams. But it's taking way to long. Since when am i planning? About 3 years. And since when are we dating? Also about 3 years...oh...❞
❝ When they first traveled to Natlan they didn't met me immediately. I've only got to know them through Mualani and Kachina. They once expressed their hatred towards saurian hunters, went off yapping for a good hour too. You should've seen the look on their face once i told them i was one of them. They're still embarrassed to this day, even more after i explained what i really do. One of the many memories that truly make me happy.❞
❝ They're aware that true magic doesn't exist. That all my shows are just an act. That somewhere is a trick hidden, so simple its ridiculous. And yet, they're still amazed, still getting big eyed when I'm on stage preforming. Even after countless shows that are the same, they're clapping along like it was the first....I couldn't not have asked for a better support and love in my life then them.❞
❝ I still don't know how i managed to confess, maybe it's because i can't really remember it anyway. It's a memory I'd like to forget entirely, mostly because i was so embarrassed afterwards. But I never want to forget what they said afterwards. Everytime i hear those 4 words from them I get butterflies.❞
❝ Y/n and I are in a serious relationship since 5 years and 4 months. We have been living together since 3 years and 1 month. I do consider our relationship deep and intimate. I trust them deeply and never once did I think about it otherwise. I truly believe that our relationship will hold on for eternity. Is this enough information or should I tell you more?❞
❝ Ah, my spoiled little brat? Joking, joking...well, only half. I do spoil them quite a lot, but i wouldn't consider them a brat...most of the time. Just last week I bought them this new coat, winter in Snezhnaya are the hardest in all Teyvat. Oh, and new gloves, a scarf an-no, why would i brag with my money, it's not like i have enough to buy at least million of coats.❞
❝ The only thing you need to know is that they are with me and well taken care off. Should you not remember the fact that any hate or violence towards them is strictly forbidden, i will gladly remind you. ❞
❝ Y/n helped Razor a lot. Razor appreciates it, the help. Razor also loves Y/n. That's what Y/n always tells Razor every day. So Razor tells Y/n every day too.❞
❝ Who? My lover? Them? No, I would never. No, I'm not keeping anything private?! Neither am I ashamed of anything...quite the opposite, huh? No, said nothing. Screw off now, i need to be somewhere. Where? None of your damn business...So what if its a date?!❞
❝ Mhm, you're quite right, Y/n and I arw together. Lucked out, huh? I'm currently teaching them how to cook some dishes, been going well...for the most part. No, they have a hand for it but both of us always seem to lose any focus once we're 30 minutes into it.❞
❝ You should've heard their begging, "Oh Tighnari please, i can keep my own garden!" Yeah, keeping it, but not take care of it. Because who takes care of it? Correct, me. It's easy work, so it's not too troublesome. But what is troublesome is how they don't take care of it. *sigh* maybe i am a bit to harsh on them, they are a bit stressed lately anyway. They deserve to take a rest and calm down from everything. So i gladly take care of the garden, for as long as they need me to.❞
❝ Our first meeting was quite the embarrassing one, almost feel quite shy telling it....Ok! Ok! I'll tell you!....I fell into their lap...No, i wasn't drunk! Someone else was, pushed me by accident and i stumbled backwards right onto their lap in angels share. And to top it off i took their plate and drink with me. Lucky for me, they weren't mad at all. Still...it's so embarrassing!❞
❝ Took them quite a while to adjust to Meropide. Understandable though, it's a change from the surface. But once they grew comfortable, it's almost like they don't want to leave. They quickly befriended almost everyone, especially Sigewinne. They grew quite popular here in the matter of just a few weeks. Good for me i got them first before anyone else could.❞
❝ Hm? Oh, them? Yes, we're close. Why do you ask? Just curious? Ugh, don't look at me like that. What do you wanna hear? How much i love them? You can wait till the day Teyvat will shatter entirely, I won't say it to you, only to them.❞
❝ Our love story is picture perfect. A written love story by the finest ink. Full of clichés. We reached for the same book, and our hands touched. Then and there, i was mesmerized...until they snatched the book first.❞
❝ Our love story has been holding on since 3717 years, and it will hold on for many years more. What makes me so sure it will? We love each other like it was the very first day. Never once did we lie to one another, were apart from each other or lost our trust. I do have a contract anyway if anything should happen.❞
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